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Another great episode! Questions get answered, and out of those answers spawned a thousand new questions! Lol 😂 Oh Dark, we love you.


Dark S03E03 Reaction FULL


Josip Buretic

Here is one very interesting detail before the creepy guy killed old Tannhaus he said to him the Quote from Freud:"Wer Augen hat zu sehen und Ohren zu hören, über- zeugt sich, dass die Sterblichen kein Geheimnis verbergen können. Wessen Lippen schweigen, der schwätzt mit den Fingerspitzen; aus allen Poren dringt ihm der Verrat..."that is the same quote that Clausen gets in his letter, we saw that in season 2 episode 7 when he gives that letter to Alexander and makes him read that letter. It is the same Quote and than at the end is also written" you will found the answers about your brother in Winden.

Josip Buretic

I have just finished watching the reaction and as always I enjoyed it so much. And I also have to say that I love the song "Inside" and Red has beautiful voice!! Much love and I am looking forward to see your next reaction. ❤️❤️


Martha was pretty shitty to Killian, and she didn't deny using him to get back at her parents. Not too cool at all. Jonas has been very stalker-like this season. I'm surprised that Martha reacted so calmly. Must be the deja vu kicking in. Looking forward to following you guys through the remainder of the episodes in this mind blowingly awesome final season.


Hey, great job again. As for Agnes Obel. She was not only heard in season 1 with her song Familiar, but also in season 2, episode 1 with the song It's Hapening Again and also in season 3, episode 2 with her song Broken Sleep.