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Omashu has been taken over by The Fire Nation, but what about King Bumi?!
Aang and the others have to be quick and stealthy in this one, and they come up with some.. let's call them "very creative" solutions 😄



Avatar S02E03 Reaction FULL



It's interesting that Azula's friends are non-benders (Ty Lee & Mai) but are pretty dang good at handling themselves. You can see from there that Azula is not a really great friend and she is pretty satisfied of herself for successfully manipulating Ty Lee (circus girl) into doing her bidding.


I'm glad for some Sokka appreciation! I found it cute that they kept saying "hmmm.. pentapox, i'm sure i've heard of it before". Bet that's how people are when there is not internet to search for such info. And the purple pentapus is a cross between an octopus and starfish!


This episode doesn't show up on a lot of lists of people's favorites. It feels like it's treading water in the story most of the time the first time you see it. It makes some obvious introductions but it establishes some not-so-obvious things as well. Kat picked up on some of it.


I'm not a fan of this one, I think the walking dead part is weird and the baby story is random and there is nothing interesting about it. The only part that I like is Bumi talking to Aang and the couple fight scenes with Azula's group

Michel Ferreira

Azula was not using lightning at all this episode. It's just that when she firebends, her flame is blue, not yellow.


Thank you both for the reaction!! Kat, love the hair and I hope your foot's doing okay! Lol, I just got a pixie cut today


did i just rewatch all your avatar reactions today while waiting for the next one? yes. yes i did. reeeeaally love listening to your insights ☺️


Wont have service this weekend, any chance BoB episode 7 comes out today??


im your 500th patron yay! came for atla

Sonny Mike Olsen

So sorry to hear that.. We have watched the episode, but haven't started the editing yet.. I'll edit through the night as best as I can (still working on ATLA S02E02 for YT, and I am feeling quite ill today) but it probably won't be out until tomorrow.. I am very sorry


Not a problem. We all appreciate your honesty. I wont lie and say i havent taken the night off to have some beer withs friends before haha. Keep up the good work!


Episode 7 (The Breaking Point) is my favorite episode of BoB. It's the reaction i've wanted to see, but we all have lives outside of our screens. No worries....do what you do. Great episode, but tough to watch, right? Still not as tough as episode 9, though.


Azula's flame is blue because its the hottest fire. She is a prodigy and having the blue fire just shows how powerfull she is. Even though she is a b***h i LOVE her character. Strong, smart, powerfull and very strong without bending (like you already saw). Ty Lee and Mai are also awesome. I dont think there is a character i dislike in this series.