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To the execution dock i have come
Tili go
To the execution block
For to sail
I was sick and nigh to death but I vow with my every breath
For go with wisdom ways when I sail...

We have finally caught up with all of you guys, and man.. what a season finale!
It wasn't really a happy ending this time around, and some of the stuff that happened really made us sad.. but also VERY excited about what's to come!

This has been an amazing journey so far, and we are so very grateful for all of you Screaming Firehawks out there who followed along! Thank you for your kind words and your dedication to the The Expanse. It is truly an underrated series, and we hope to see even more fans joining for season five. Who knows? One day it might be as big as GoT was! It certainly deserves it.

Please let us know if there are any Expanse related stuff you think we should watch or talk about, while we wait for the next season to drop.

Thanks again for everything!

Big (socially distant) hugs and much love
Kat & Sonny 💜


The Expanse S04E10 Reaction FULL


Kirby Glover

Now it's time to read the books! At least up through Cibola Burn if you guys don't want to get ahead of the show


Thanks so much for letting us be a part of your journey watching this show! It really is the next best thing when we can't watch it for the first time again ourselves.


Great reaction guys! I loved this season and the set up for next season is amazing! I’ve read up to book 6 because I want everything to be a surprise.


There is actually some bloopers from season 4 that would be fun to see you react to!

Michel Ferreira

I second Morgan, the bloopers are great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiRwuf8P-Zs


Now that the cat's totally out of the bag, I wanna go back to some things and sum up my thoughts. Like you guys, I had some trouble understanding Drummer's perspective about belters no longer being belters when they go to live on a planet. Or rather, I understood that they would technically no longer be belters if their future generations grew up on a habitable planet... I just also kinda thought that's not a bad thing to want for future generations. After seeing what was happening with Mars it kinda put a new spin on the belter-to-inner thing for me. If all the skilled Martians leave Mars for the ring planets, it's gonna leave a husk of holdouts on Mars that aren't really doing anything except clinging to an old idea that isn't supported by enough people to become a reality. I felt a pang of sadness for Bobbie's nephew at his excitement over being accepted into the terraforming program. And the Belt kinda has a parallel thing going, except anyone who can't physically handle being on a planet will literally be left behind. Anyone who doesn't go will eventually be designated as an "other" by the people they used to share an identity with. Or they'll die trying to follow them. I wonder if Drummer didn't feel a little fear for those people. A serious and mortal kind of FOMO.


Another cool thing to watch is The Expanse without music! It's an entirely different feel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjHzldBpQaU

Bryce Carlson

Remember that Holden got Amos to promise that he would not kill Murtry and Amos respects Holden. That does NOT mean that Amos won't beat him bloody, however, he won't KILL him (he'll just make him wish he were dead). Also, now would be the best time to read The Churn, as that will prepare you for what is to come.


Loved your S4 reactions, you guys are fantastic. - Great casting for the part of Filip, looks like the splittin' image of Naomi. - That was Filip in the elevator on Mars leaving Bobbie's going away present. - I believe Holden knows Naomi's backstory (no more secrets) so it would be a tad hypocritical for him to send Lucia to prison and not Naomi for a similar situation. I don't think there's a statute of limitations for that sort of thing. - Also heartbroken over Ashford's demise. " - Avasarala is going to Luna for the meeting at the Armstrong center. Possibly away from falling objects? - Looking forward to S5.


The Ballad of Captain Kidd ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_7vDil57iI

Victor M.P.G.

AW, nice, finally!! and now the bloopers!! lol


Bryce, the churn prologue spoils part of season 5, not safe yet.


Loved hearing all your thoughts after this episode. Sonny I cried when Ashford died too. It really got to me, but it was a beautiful death. I also agree about Marco, he is a straight up villain in my mind and there is no defense for what he's doing. Love Amos and yeah if he killed Murtry I would be disappointed, but he respects Holden so I think he just beat him pretty bad but we will see next season hopefully. Thanks guys.


Man, this was a rough one wasn't it. I would suggest, reading all of the books. They are pretty close to the show and the 9 book series ends entirely in a few months when the last book is coming out. Ashford was transmitting most of the conversation he had with Marco as well so when it is picked up they will hear about the rocks and ceres etc. Earth being a target of stealth asteroids is a mortal danger as most of the systems food is still grown there too especially with Ganymede food bases still not repaired from the attack.


Amos promised he would not kill him. He did not kill him. This is not a spoiler. (I cant explain why without spoiling, but Amos did not kill him)


(( the book describes the scene more and Amos's thinking is how bad he will beat him up and certainly not to kill him, the show was supposed to make it more clear but the words of Amos's promise to Holden was unclear)) ((in the show Amos promised "dont kill him while I am gone" in the books the words are slightly different and they mention how important it is to send him to trial, essentually the book and the show handle the event exactly the same but without the clarity of Amos's thinking it is waaaaay more vague than it was meant to be)

Rob C

The good news about waiting for Season 5 is that they finished filming before the lockdown started, so it should still be on track to release towards the end of this year.


sonny, i think you had it right that amos is beating murtry and letting him heal then beating him again. remember it’s a long ride back to anywhere they are going. he did promise holden he wouldn’t kill him and all we’ve learned about amos is that he respects holden and wouldn’t betray his loyalty by breaking his promise. i can understand why you may think he killed him and the way it was cut left it a little ambiguous.


Drummer is going to be so pissed at Marco. It'll be her mission in life to destroy that SOB.


what did you both think of the mars plot line this season? initially it was my least favorite until the last 3-4 episodes then pieces started connecting. i really like the way it was portrayed but it might be because i’ve read the books and novellas and can see the pieces being put in place. i’m really happy avasarala and bobby will be paired up somehow! (i’m still sad about cotyar.) if you haven’t already, go back and read the profiles that were on bobby’s hand terminal in the bar. they could give you some insight or at least crumbs to where this is going in the next season or two. lastly, ashfords death was sad and i’m very glad it wasn’t spoiled for you. death of a legend and cementing marco as the villain that he is.


Zurik 23M has some nice Expanse tribute videos on YouTube if you feel like reacting to.


It's about time for Yanheda's next crack vid. Hope it's soon.

Deana DeWall

Hey, why don't u guys start reading (or audio version) the first 4 books, and do a book to show comparison. That would be fantastic!

Sonny Mike Olsen

Great observations! It really adds to the whole Belter identity conversation. There are always so many nuances in this world, it's amazing!

Sonny Mike Olsen

He had that crazy look in his eyes, like we've seen before back when Miller started attacking him for shooting Semi. And he was so close to just killing Miller there, so we were afraid this was going to be the same situation, just without Namoi running in at the last second and stopping him from going too far. But alrighty, now we know 👍

Sonny Mike Olsen

We enjoyed that storyline very much, even though we were most focused on the Ilus stuff. But the whole "not terraforming because of the ring gates" thing got kind of spoiled for us at the beginning of the season, but it is still very interesting, and the way they slowly revealed it during the season was pretty cool. I (Sonny) am still sad about Cotyar as well, and Ashford.. that one in particular is gonna take me a while to get over, lol.


"The Expanse || Dream Of Peace" by Zurik 23M "(The Expanse) Joe Miller || You Belong With Me" by Zurik 23M "(The Expanse) Cotyar Ghazi || One Last Mission" by Zurik 23M "The Expanse || A War Built On Lies" by Zurik 23M "The Expanse || A New Era" by Zurik 23M (And not from Zurik): "Amos Burton || What happened to you?" by Shainira


I think you're jumping to conclusions with the crew of the Expanse going forward, but we'll see. Amos' backstory is a novella called "The Churn" ... a short but great read. Give it a go. (And then, check out "Good Omens" on Prime).


Episode 10 sets things up very nicely for season 5. I just re-read book 5 (Nemesis Games). So good. If they follow it for the show, season 5 will be EPIC!

Kim Vidas Davey-Irvin

no, amos won't kill murtry. i think this season, really, was all about change. in particular, in this episode alone, bobby changed her mind about working with avasarala. and bobby and leelee made peace with each other. holden, almost always someone who (in the show, at least) sees things in terms of black and white, grew enough to consider lucia's plight in a kinder frame of mind. amos has changed since the crew was formed -- not a lot, lol, but enough, i think -- and he's honest almost to a fault. "i'll never lie to you," wasn't just something he said to wei; it's his basic truth. like he told miller all the way back in season two, "the captain doesn't like it when you kill people without talking to him about it first." in that same episode, he also told miller that "the captain, he's as close to righteous as it gets out here." and we know that amos, compromised in some way as a child, separates people into categories: those you kill, those you take care of, and those you follow -- those you trust to do the right thing. he's chosen to follow holden, and he wouldn't lie to him.


Ah, that scene you chose as a back drop, I want to try and paint that one. Its so beautiful! All hail Pirate Ashford. One of the best "minor" characters ever. So glad he went on the journey with us even for a short while!


I think the whole arc of Lucia is very interesting (a bit different than the books but very similar). She wants to help blow up the landing pad, not the shuttle so her intent was never to hurt others. But they were hurt and many killed. Her actions as portrayed in the flash back were to try and mitigate the damage by exploding the landing pad prior to the shuttle's arrival. So one has to believe her goal was not to hurt or kill others. The same could be said of Naomi. If the goal of trial and incarceration is to "pay back" to society for one's deeds and hopefully to change one's mind about committing such crimes than it could be said (as you pointed out) that that goal had already been accomplished by her story arc, feeling terrible guilt, thinking she lost her family, being ready to face trial and also helping to save the Barb. And then the benefit of her staying on this alien planet, with her husband, letting her older daughter go to chase her dreams, and helping to raise the orphaned Chike far outweigh any risk to society or benefit to her being incarcerated in a jail. I admire The Expanse writers for being able to explore the nuances of justice and redemption in this way, as charged and political as such topics can be!

Amber A

This season's been such a wild ride, and it's been great to see your reactions episode by episode. One interesting thing is season 1 opened with a fringe OPA agent trying to smuggle stealth tech off Earth. Now we see the fruits of that labor with Inaros' plan paying off. Bobbie's sniffing out the corruption and menace from the Mars military, but Avasarala's not going to be in as good of a position to help her out. It's clear Mars isn't what it used to be, and there's a lot of Martians who grew up with hate in their hearts for Earth more than they hated the belt. The captured Martian officer declared that the dream of Mars is at hand (paraphrasing), and for many, it's true. For a large chunk, the dream of mars was terraforming it, but for the newer generations, it was defeating Earth. They were given an opportunity, and enough of them took it by helping Inaros. We can only hope Earth's defenses are ready, too many innocents undeserving of that kind of catastrophic slaughter. I get what Sonny's saying by declaring Inaros as a full-on villain. I can see how he wouldn't persuade some. But if you look at it from a Belter's POV, he does have a few points if you're a pessimist. The OPA has had the boots of Earth and Mars on their throats for generations, forcing them into poverty, subhuman living conditions, inhumane working conditions often akin to indentured servitude, with no hope for better. They're victims of genocide with no reparations, and so abused as a whole that some (like Ashford) feel that merely peace is enough to strive for. And Ashford's right that violence begets violence, it cannot in itself be the way forward. But peace won't improve the lives of Belters. The inners lock off the ring gates and prevent colonization. The inners are more suited to colonize the new systems while belters have been raised in such horrific conditions that their bodies often can't adapt, so they automatically have lower odds of making good on any possible opportunity to better their lives, and that's without considrting the greed and power of Inner planetary governments coercing Belters out of land claims with bogus laws that never took them into consideration in the first place. Belters still have no real home for themselves. They're still a wildly marginalized class of people forced into piracy to survive due to the laws and actions of Inners, and then penalized for surviving by the Inner laws and actions. The rings changed everything, and we've seen Mars change, and Earth change, but not in ways that have made them kinder and fairer to the Belt. There's no clear push for reparations and equity from the UN or Mars. It's only a matter of time before Earth and Mars adapt and recover their strength from the war, and by then it'll be too late. Earth and Mars will have entire planets of minerals and resources to draw from, they won't even need the belt anymore, reducing the leverage and power of Belters further. The UN's already eyeing up commandeering Medina Station when they can justify it. The UN has shown itself to care little for their promises to the belt and its autonomy, they still treat the belt like something they own, their people as acceptable sacrifices. Hell, they're having the OPA act as police in tracking down and killing belters who are just trying to survive via piracy against colony ships full of wealth and privilege amassed off the backs of the belt in the first place. Taking what one's owed, even by force, is hardly unfair, so it's hard not sto see a fair bit of belters souring on the treaty with Mars and Earth, given the results haven't favored them as a class, but rather only the few in power. So Inaros wanting to weaken Earth? That resonates. His methods of doing so? Horrific, and I can't get with that, but sometimes you can't talk your way into getting your oppressors to give you back what you're owed, so you have to take it. The discussion between Murtry and Holden regarding civilized and uncivilized men is an interesting mirror to the galactic conflict, because for how civilized Earth and mars pretend to be, they're wildly uncivilized. The Belters have been the civilized ones up until now, and Inaros is just unmasking himself as the child of that uncivilized history, the civilization Earth built off the backs of belters is now possibly going to be undone by the very belters Earth exploited in order to reach those heights of power. And from that rubble, would the Belt stand a greater chance at true equity and independence? Yes. And that is the dream of so many Belters, it's been alluded by folks like Dawes since season one. Inaros and co decided they were done waiting for the minute possibility that it would be given to them. It's sad and horrific that it got to this point. If even one of those rocks makes impact, it's tens of millions dead. There's nothing that can justify that kind of massacre. But it's hard to imagine some Belters wouldn't like to force Earth's boot off their throat instead of waiting for Earth to remove it themselves.


Thanks for this amazing journey guys, really glad you followed it all through. Alot of bookreaders says that the next season will probably the strongest and intense one. I really look forward to it <3 Tack!


The song and the soundtrack when Klaes Ashford dies, makes me cry almost everytime. Im usually tearing up when Kat cries, and now Sonny makes me cry a god damn river. You guys are the best

Alex Antonio

Re: what the planet was, I think Miller explained it to Holden in the book. If I remember right, it was a power station. The excavators would mine lithium and feed it to the chain of fusion reactors, and the moons would beam the power out.


Because I love them both, I'm going to recommend that you read The Churn (novella about Amos's backstory) and Nemesis Games (book 5 in the series). They are both great, but NG is absolutely brilliant! Also, the audiobooks are a great way to consume the books!


Also - amos didn't actually kill Murtry. Amos just wanted to beat him up because - you know, he's Amos.
