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Wow! There are no words... except for maybe "that cliffhanger, though!"
We are so close now, it is totally unreal 😱

Enjoy, y'all! 


The Expanse S04E09 Reaction FULL


Kirby Glover

I know that felt like a season finale and all, but hooooooo boy, y'all ain't ready for episode 10. Looking forward to your reaction!


Yup lol 🤘


Anther great reaction. When will ep 10 be up? Did you enjoy it?

Bryce Carlson

Saeculum is bastardized Latin potentially meaning "forever." Elvi Okoye's friend aboard the Edward Israel if Fayez. And we were given a glimpse into the War that destroyed the Builders in Season Three when we were told that the Builders sterilized entire stat systems in an attempt to destroy them.


You seemed to have Miller in your heads at the very beginning. I'm very curious about the civilization that destroyed the Builders as well, they seem to be even more powerful. My theory (and I have no idea) is that the Builders accidentally (?) infected another advanced species with the protomolecule and they didn't take too kindly to it and declared war on the Builders. I haven't seen or read anything that suggests this, but seems likely to me.


From Wikipedia .. A saeculum is a length of time roughly equal to the potential lifetime of a person or, equivalently, of the complete renewal of a human population.


I loved this episode! One of my favorites of the season. Kat I love that you brought up the fact that we learned more about the war between two alien species...it's one of the more intriguing parts of the show for me and not a lot of people mention it. Holden's goodbye to Miller was a great callback to season 1 when Miller first asked him what does rain taste like. Also you guys had it right. Miller put himself into something physical and connected himself to the whole planet in order to go into the "God's Eye" and turn off all the Protomolecule that's trapping them there. Amos is the best because he is so loyal so no surprise that he chose Holden over Wei. Great reaction and I can't wait to see what you think of the finale!


I really enjoyed that western stand off between Holden and Murtry. I love Jim's line about civilization. :)

Dan Guisinger

So many people in their anger at Murtry talk over and don’t listen to that exchange


I know right?! It's an important conversation that pretty much sums up the difference between Murtry and Holden throughout this season.

Victor M.P.G.

Omg kat's face at the end of the episode was worth a lot.

Sonny Mike Olsen

That exchange was crucial to basically sum up their differences and lowkey the whole conflict on Ilus I think!

Sonny Mike Olsen

We don’t want you all to wait a whole week to see our reaction to the finale, so it will be up soon as well 👍


i really hope that season five doesn’t drop all at once. the speculation and mind bending needs space (pun intended) to breathe. i’m very curious to hear what you think about the mars plot line after watching the last episode in this season. and to hear your character development analysis. will you both be reading the books at some point? or listening to the audio books/novellas (which are excellent, btw)?


Great reaction guys to the best episode of season 4 so far, especially that cliff hanger end. Every once in a while there is a small lapses in the story line, in my opinion. The shuttle attack I think is one of them. I don't see why the scientist on the Edward Israel had to warn Alex except to create some tension. You'd think that after all the things we've seen that any ship in space would warn it's crew about any object that would be on a collision coarse with it. It's pretty evident that Murtry considers the planet and all it's technology and wealth his to deal with. I think he fully intended to destroy the Roci or make it so it couldn't pull out of it's decaying orbit. Then he just has to get rid of the UN Secretary General's representatives and the planet is his. I wouldn't mind seeing Murtry get a little frontier justice, he's dealt out plenty of it this season. Let me know if you plan on reading the books. I have a couple of comments I'd like to make but they'd be book spoilers.