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EDIT EDIT: link didn't work.
Try this


Hi friends!

Tonight, the last day as a 27yo, I will be home alone. I have a lot of stuff planned, but one of these, is testing out our new "set up" for YouTube live streaming. I thought, why not try and test the new setup exclusively with you guys?

"Sooo... Kat, what exactly are you asking us?"

I am asking you, whether you would like an exclusive 30-35 min 1 on 1 livestream with me, Kat, this fine evening?

It will happen around 18 / 6pm CPH time, and that is 17 / 5pm LDN time - 12 NY time - 9am LA time. I will post a link either as an edit or as a comment to this post that you can click on when the time comes.

Are you up for it?

Best of everything, a bit of sun and of course: big, socially distant hugs




Of course!


From Texas, Yup!

Maria Hammon

I'm all over this, Bebe!


I'm getting an error when I try to bring up the URL, is anyone else having the same issues?

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 is the URL that -you- use to send your stream to youtube, using an app like OBS or something The only way to make the stream 'private' is to set the youtube stream to be 'unlisted'. You might see an option for that in your stream software, in the part where you set the youtube configuration. Once you start streaming (and assuming its set to 'unlisted') you can paste the actual youtube URL of the 'video' here, and then we can watch it. (it should always start with https:// ) Alternatively, if you have no option in your streaming software to create an 'unlisted' stream, you can just do a normal public stream, but then more people that just us will wonder in of course :)

Sonny Mike Olsen

It is not! I am so sorry. I have no idea what to do. I can't seem to find a link


Have you seen Robert's explanation in his comment above?