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Dear patrons!

Someone asked if we could make a video about life in Denmark under lockdown.
As we Danes are hopefully entering the last week of complete lockdown, here it is!
A video about the lock-down life in general, about rules and restrictions and the common mind during these weird times, as they are here in Denmark, as we experience this whole situation.

Please check out our friends at The Cauldron, spread the news and enjoy a nicely done comic-strip:

We hope you’ll enjoy this little talk!

All the best and big hugs,
Kat & Sonny

Disclaimer: Our words are not facts. This is mainly told from our perspective, so we might not be able to comprehend and communicate the whole picture with all facets.
Thank you for understanding!


COVID update

A Patreon-exclusive update about life in Denmark under the COVID-19 lockdown. Please go visit The Cauldron and see their kid-friendly comic about COVID-19 here: https://www.enterthecauldron.com/



In California, fines can be as high as $1000 for violating, particularly in the closed beaches.

Walter Alcaraz

Yeah, here in California, there's also a 10:00pm curfew. All the stores close at 10:00pm now. Anyone out after that time will be stopped and ticketed, or even arrested if they can't prove they are a worker from those stores that just closed. Exceptions are truckers hauling supplies to said stores.