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Hey guys!

You might've seen the video update we did on our YouTube channel, and if you did, you'll know that we are changing up the Patreon tiers.

It is something we've been planning on doing for a while, and the reason why we priced the Unicorn tier at 4 dollars, was because we didn't really have a lot of content on here. But we do now, and we are even starting a Patreon exclusive series, so that is why we are changing the Unicorn tier to 5 dollars. And we are also deleting our Jawa Unicorn tier and combining it with the regular Unicorn tier.

What does this mean for you? Well, it apparently isn't easy to just change the tiers here on Patreon, so this is how we have decided to do it:

From today on, the old 4 and 6 dollar tiers have been retired, which means no new patrons can join those. A new 5 dollar Unicorn tier has been added instead, so that is the one all new patrons will be joining - and we are gonna go through all of our previous posts and give access to them via this new tier.

All of you lovely people who are supporting us on the now retired tiers, you will still have access to our posts all through this month, since you have already paid.

BUT - when we get closer to next month (May), then you're gonna have to change your pledge from your current tier to the new Unicorn tier (if you want to, of course), since we at that point will delete the retired tiers entirely.

We really hope you can understand why we are implementing these changes, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your support and kindness so far.
It is totally understandable if you decide the change is not for you, we're all struggling at the moment - and if you are having any problems with posts, tiers and so on, then please don't hesitate to contact us!

Much love 💜
Kat & Sonny