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So much tension, everywhere! All the time!
Seems like things are bound to get way worse before they get any better..
Here's hoping our crew can pull through!

We hope y'all enjoy the reaction and stay safe 💜


The Expanse S04E04 Reaction FULL


T. Arnold Ferguson

Mars lost interest in terraforming now that the Rings have opened up to habitable worlds.


Marco is not to be trusted.


Mars is experience something like a major stock market crash. Terraforming and the military were the major investments and now both have lost their value since the Rings have opened up to hundreds of habital planets. But I am surpised that the military isn't converting the military vessels into civilian transports.


Amos was just being a distraction so Naomi and Lucia could escape unnoticed.


I think one of the writers compared Mars' situation to one like the fall of the Soviet Union. Corruption, paradigm shifts, trying to cling to old ways but they're not compatible in the new ways. I love the Marco speech because it really highlights the oppressor/oppressed dichotomy and how honestly you can't ask an oppressed people to roll over without there still being hate there. And its not clear cut and for some its uncomfortable to think about when violence might be justified and what place we might have to look at an oppressed people and tell them how they should react. Marco Inaros and Murtry are both dangerous because they're not wrong. There's a lot of parallels there in terms of using transgressions for revenge and terrible actions. It just takes a new wrinkle with Marco and how it brings in colonial and oppression dynamics as well. As you can tell I love this show for the socioeconomic analysis that can happen when you really dig into the implications of the world that's been built!

Bryce Carlson

Just remember Drummer's comment: "Now I see why you don't carry a gun."

Bryce Carlson

Amos intent when he attacked Murtry's people who were on their way to pick up Lucia (and threaten Naomi) was to slow them down long enough for Naomi to exfil, and he would worry about the rest of it later.

Bryce Carlson

Why do they need to focus on a generations-long terraforming project when there are 1300 "earthlike" worlds that don't NEED that level of investment.

Bryce Carlson

What makes a Belter a Belter is a mind-set that Anderson Dawes actually talked about in the first season. Belters don't expect to have an easy life. A Belter knows, from the time that they are born (or shortly thereafter) that the universe is actively trying to kill them. There is no "outside" to go to for air. If your air-supply is damaged, you die. If your thermal maintenance system fails, you die. If you let your attention wander or drop your guard, you die. That does not happen on Earth. And won't occur on "earthlike" worlds. That is what Drummer means when she says that living on a planet will change Belters and strip them of their identity.

Christopher Alexander

"A ring appears" and there's no need to spend the resources and time (100 years) to terraform Mars when there are 1300 systems with habitable planets. That changes the calculus for a lot of people.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Remember as well, not all belters can settle on these planets, as Naomi demonstrates. So how do the 'Naomi's fit into this brave new universe? As far as Mars, remember both the Martian ambassador, and Bobby's old commander Martin, hinted at this current generation not being committed to the goal of terraforming Mars, and now with 1300 systems with worlds with open skies and oceans available now, and not in a 100 years, how committed would you be to the big Martian Project.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Yes, I totally understand that. But it's that "we might die at any moment and our bodies are weaker" identity that I am wondering about. Why wouldn't you wan't to change that? I'm sure there are people out there who can relate to that way of thinking better than me, so it might just be something I'll never understand. The cultural identity of being a fighter and battling oppression makes a lot of sense, and that is something I totally get they want to hold on to, so that they'll never lose that spark and the memory of what they have gone through as a people. But the physical aspect is something I would've thought they'd be very keen on changing. It's very interesting, especially because we all come from different backgrounds and it can be very hard or very easy, depending who you are, to relate to certain opinions and actions. It's what makes this show stand out, character wise. Sonny


I believe thats why they are stripping alot of the military equipment and other stuff that is not needed for a colony ship.


I think Drummer is also alluding to that there will be two classes of Belters- those who can live in gravity and those who can't and ultimately those who can survive in both environments will be superior and possibly end up exploiting those who can't survive in gravity, just as the Inners do.