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We can't believe we finally finished the third season!
What an ending, though.. whatever comes next, we are SO ready 😄

Hope you enjoy the reaction, y'all! 


The Expanse S03E13 Reaction FULL


Kirby Glover

So glad y'all got to this episode finally, can't wait for y'all to see season 4. So far it's my least favorite season, but that's mainly because I read the books and was a little underwhelmed by a few of the choices they made. Overall it's still a fantastic season of sci-fi though, and y'all are gonna love it


And now, finally...welcome to the expanse.


I will say season 4 is very good, they made a couple of changes to the books which has a little bit of a bad feeling. It is as solid as any other :-)


PS: the storyline is from the creators role playing game group (think dungeons and dragons) and he came up with the story before mass effect iirc.


Thats why I love the show, the characters are peoples role playing characters which is why they are at the same time cliche but their motivations are human ones. PS: everyone calls miller "the investigator"


Ashford in the show was actually two different people merged together from the books, most of when Ashford was a bad dude was what his book character was doing, they made him such a great improvement on the character.

T. Arnold Ferguson

It's been mentioned that the nine novels of The Expanse are arranged as three trilogies. The first trilogy deals with the discovery of the protomolecule and its purpose. The second trilogy is about about the various factions (Earth, Mars, and the Belt) react to the gates, and the third...well, can't describe that without major spoilers. Here's hoping the series makes it to that point. Some folks have described S4 as being their least favorite (and have rated the 4th novel the same way). I liked it, but it is different. Looking further ahead a lot of folks say the fifth novel is their favorite of ALL the novels. S5 has completed filming and is in post-production. The cast says they feel it’s the best they’ve done yet.


Anna and Clarissa were on the rocci, they are returning to earth to before anything else. You can see the rocci traveling with the armada, they do not make it super clear but yeah.

Sonny Mike Olsen

We know it wasn’t inspired by those games, but since ME was the first place we encountered a lot of these story beats and tropes, anything that reminds us of it, is going to give us “Mass Effect vibes” Just so you know why we are always comparing those two franchises 🙂


The strength of the show isn't about the hard science (which is the initial gimmick that made people look over originally) but the way the characters are portrayed realistically in shades of grey (reminiscent of Game of Thrones). Even Ashford here wasn't portrayed as a two note villain, he truly believed he was doing the right thing and his logic was sound. Sooner or later someone was going to trigger the station and then it would have been the end. S4 which is based on book 4 will be a bit more jarring because we're going back to the micro level story telling (which is why it's not the fav book for a lot of fans). however S4 is an excellent adaptation, in fact far better than the book it's based on. Not because of the "main" storyline but because the significance of the Ring is affecting everyone on a more profound level. Something I hope you two will read between the lines while watching the season. As others have mentioned S5 will be based on book 5 which is the Empire Strikes Back of the Expanse, and the showrunners have been giggling like little schoolgirls on how good it looks as they only recently wrapped up shooting. So keep up S4 as it lays the foundation of S5 and it'll be far more epic than anything you've watched so far.


I enjoyed your review. This season finale was a perfect 10. Imo. I really loved the little character details that they throw in, like Drummer taking a moment to relieve her back in zero-g. I can't believe all the stress she put on her spine, getting punched and just running around. A far cry from a medical coma. Some really good points on Ashford's character. Yes, he lost so much and I'm sure the loss of his daughter in a fire really affected his outlook. Such a great character.


Great reaction guys! Can't wait for you to start season 4 it has some of my favorite character and relationship moments in the show!


Trailer for season 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFdzpVt5rbk Normal trailer spoilers nothing major. Great AMV about Drummer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-glWaAvK6o My favorite Holden line was " we keep reacting to thinks we do not understand, just this once...lets try something else".

Bryce Carlson

You were reacting and so you may have missed Drummer's comment when the elevator hit Diogo: "Now I know why you don't carry a gun."


Have fun in Japan you two!!!


"What was that.....????" The million dollar question. What could have possibly wiped out the builders, as powerful as they were?


Really enjoyed the ride with you guys, can't wait for season 4!


Sonny your very observant! I think you understood perfectly why the ring gates opened at the end. Also interesting that you bring up that ending with Holden when they passed back through the ring...your questions will be answered!

Christopher Alexander

The Miller-thing is called The Investigator. The PM has finished it's job and is just trying to phone home.

Christopher Alexander

I, for one, am going to miss Diogo. Quietly, his character was a great representation for how young, impressionable guys get caught up nationalism and swayed by charismatic leaders. This is a theme that the story will continue to explore in a major way.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Now you can go onto Season 4..... imagine that ending and having to wait a year to get answers. And could you imagine, if the series had ended on this.....and not been renewed..


Well once Amazon saved The Expanse after S3E8, we were happy to have to wait because there was an actual season to wait for! I would just like to point out that while Julie Mao saved planet Earth along with Detective Miller, her sister Clarissa Mao saves the entire solar system because she remembers what Ren taught her and reversed the buffers to power down the Behemoth at the last second. So she finally was able to do something on the scale of sister Julie! What a redemption!

Victor M.P.G.

This has nothing to do with the video but, do u know guys, Kim Bodnia is gonna be Vesemir? excited?


This is great stuff, a great ep and a great show. Looking forward to S4 reacts. Don't forget Expanse Crack 2, Amos would approve.


Season 4 ratchets things up - A LOT!