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This season has been so amazingly good, it's crazy how much we are loving the ride!
How is this all going to end?! Only one more episode to go!

Enjoy, y'all 😄 


The Expanse S03E12 Reaction FULL



When this aired in the US we all thought the show was canceled, so imagine how we felt lol.


The next episode is a wild ride. My favorite Holden line is in this one. I can't wait for you to catch up to end of season 4.


Not quite, it was saved between the air dates of episode 7 and 8. Still, heck of a roller coaster ride that caused a lot of high emotions to finish the season on.


I feel like the cast has been under appreciated for what they achieved. The source material was stellar, the adaptation script was amazing but it was the cast that really brought it home. A lot of hardcore book fans were having their doubts on S1, mainly because some of the cast members were not aesthetically looking like their book counterparts. Those doubts have all been gone, as the chemistry between the cast is just unreal, even a simple scene with Naomi and Holden provokes a lot of raw emotion as their relationship is really believable. Can't wait till you two finish S4 which is equally as amazing. The best part? The book which is the basis of S5 is the "empire strikes back" of the series and regarded as the best in the series. If S5 is 30% of the books, it's still going to be their best season ever.


Nice pick up on Naomi's accent shift! I agree, I liked the way the actress pulled it off.

Mark Wood

Can I just say how I love watching your reactions. I love the real emotions the show gets out of the two of you.


Great review! I never understood why Holden always led with basically "I see dead people", no wonder they think he's nuts. And of course setting of a nuke next to the station is probably one of the dumbest decisions ever made when a small grenade resulted in the death of a third of the crews. I love Drummer and Naomi's chemistry... "and I thought you were here to check on me.". When Anna says she runs a clinic in St. Petersburg, I immediately thought St. Petersburg, Florida. Anna in the book has a rather thick Russian accent, not a trace with our Anna. Anyway, I'm sure Florida is underwater in the Expanse universe.


I think that Holden saw some traumatizing shit so it was hard for him to put into words what he saw- which is understandable.

Bryce Carlson

The first time that we met Diogo, he was stealing water in Ceres. He's a born thief and will steal anything that is not nailed down. Remember how he reacted to the Martian's armor.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

i was concerned that Season 4 wouldn't keep up the momentum enough to ensure season 5, as Book 4 is viewed by many as the weakest of the books. Still brilliant, but not as good as the others. Whereas Book 5 is in my opinion, and that of many others, is the best of the published novels so far. i was over the moon when it was announced that they had started season 5 even before season 4 had aired. Having said that, they did a brilliant job adapting Book 4 for the screen, and I enjoyed the season immensely.


Brace yourself! Season 4 is amazing. Thanks for the reacts guys ❤️


I think Amos, is just looking for good people to use as a moral compass as he isn't empathetic himself. At first that was Naomi and after she did the whole protomolecule thing behind their back it became Holden. Then Prax came along, who was even more of a good person and now he looks for that in Anna. There is a novella in The Expanse book series called The Churn, and it’s about Amos and how he grew up.


I like book 4 because it is different than the rest and I always love me some world building!


Yeah Amos has no morality the Churn explains why and the show has strongly hinted at why but lets just say if you are born off the books out of basic life is pretty rough. V V V V V V V V V V V V V (not spoilers but guided show explanation which relies on knowledge from the books from the past to put the clues together) "“Have you ever talked to a pedophile before?”," "How do you know how to wear pumps? " ~ " I didn't always work in space". Lastly it was why he was quite interested in Coritizar and if his emotional deadening procedure was reverse-able. Here is a cool interview with the actor who wanted the role specifically because of the book (he read it before he got the job) and the work he did understanding Amos before he auditioned. (MInor spoilers from the churn book, but nothing I think really ground breaking or that will spoil future seasons) https://io9.gizmodo.com/last-nights-expanse-was-more-proof-that-its-the-best-sc-1792172927


Season 3 was so insanely good IMO, possibly the best season of any TV show I've ever seen. I don't want to comment on 4 so it doesn't ruin anything for these guys. Having said that, I've tried to stay away from any info about season 5 but from the little I've heard it should be amazing.


I think Ashford is a great example of "shades of grey" in how he's depicted in the show. I love that so many characters have depth to them and they're not just good/evil. Sonny flip-flopping on him makes me laugh. Like he's good, I think... maybe... I didn't like what he said but a few minutes later he changed my mind. :)