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We finally finished the first season!

A whole lot happened in this last episode, and we did have thing or two to say about it.

Overall we really enjoyed The Witcher, and can't wait till season 2 drops!

How did you all like the finale?

Thank you so much for following us and supporting us on this journey so far 💜

Hope you enjoy the reaction!


The Witcher S01E08 Reaction FULL



Thanks for an awesome ride guys, hope you enjoyed it as we did. The ending was a bit different to from what I expected, but I understand why they went that route. My favourite part was Geralt and Visenna, they really nailed it with Geralts emotions and how hard it must been for him. Although some things could be different (like how Geralt and Ciri met in the books) but i'm totally fine with it, we got eight awesome episodes and season two probably be even better i hope. <3

James MacDonald

The reason Ciri knew what Geralt looked like was because she saw him in a dream (when he was shouting for Yen near the end).


I think that all this last episod it's on the same timeline, and Geralt NEVER went to Sodden. In the last part, when we see Tissaia and Geralt screaming Yennefer's name, it was all in CIRI's mind while she was sleeping: like a sort of connection to (Yen and) Geralt (who says that Yen it's always in his "mind"). That's why she recognized him at first glance in the woods, because she saw him in her vision/dream. We get that little "find Geralt of Rivia, he is your destiny" reminder when she wakes up, so I think that was linked to Ciri seeing him in the vision. And also, that's why she asked "who is Yennefer?": because she saw him screaming her name. Anyway, great reaction as always! I'm really glad you did this and I hope you'll be still doing this for the second season :) Great work guys, thanks a lot! <3

Sonny Mike Olsen

Yeah. I still think it's incredibly weird hugging a stranger. But hey, that's just how I am raised, I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ reserved and very precautious.


This was my FAV episode of the season! The scene where Yen is throwing fire and the shot of her slow motion scream is PERFECTION! The scream, the pain, the power you can see within that one shot is the best of the entire season. Such a great character ark for her this season. I feel like this was mainly Yens season primarily. Next season will focus more on Geralt and Ciri. This series introduced me to you both as well and I've gotten so much entertainment from the two of you. Thanks a lot! Even though you arent watching any other shows that particularly interest me right now, I will continue to support with the hopes that you may begin a series in the future that I will enjoy. Wishing you both the best and I CANT WAIT for next season!


I always enjoy your reactions. Especially this and The Expanse as I’m a huge fan of both book series. I thought it was more the Promise of Surprise that drew them together with that recognition like it did for Duny and Pavetta where they met and woke up in each other’s arms.


One thing I noticed to after watching this episode for the 5th time now. Geralt walked into the woods at the end, without ANY swords or armor or anything. He felt that Ciri was close. She also ran up to him and hugged him because I think there was no doubt in her mind that she had finally found her destiny. Though they had never set eyes on each other before, she felt his presence back in Cintra while she was outside playing with her friends. We then found out that Geralt was actually watching her before she looked up at where he was previously standing. She also saw Geralt and Tissaia screaming for Yennefer in her dream. She had never met either of them but could visually see them in her dream. Even if it wasnt a visual dream, I just basically chock everything up to the power of destiny. I basically feel like they dont need to have seen each other before, to know that they are both linked. They are essentially drawn to each other. I've never read the books, however I've played the Witcher 3, multiple times now. I believe that through all of the books and reading available within the game itself, you can really determine how much "destiny" is the most powerful force in the universe. Either way, im rambling, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents. I hope this maybe provided some clarity for you :) Feel free to mention any more questions you may have after watching this series. I have seen the whole series now probably 3 times now or more so I've basically found a way to rationalize every single thing thats happened in this series. LOL


Tissaia and Triss are DEF still alive. Sabrina may even still be alive. If you listen close after Sabrina and Yen fall out of the tower, Yen actually says "Sabrina" and rubs her face as Sabrina says she is sorry. I almost feel like Yen knew that Sabrina did not do that willingly. Sorry i'm writing these comments as I'm also watching your post episode review. :)


The show writers have also stated that Season 2 will not involve as many time jumps and if there are some, it will be much easier to follow. I feel like that is the biggest gripe with this season was that it was left to the audience to really figure out that they were in 3 different time lines. It confused a lot of people. Overall, I think next season will answer A LOT of questions and also improve in the areas that they found criticism.


ok, last one but I feel like Vessina looked more like what I imagined Triss should look like, than Triss herself. LOL I hope they dye and straighten Triss's hair in the next season to make her look more canon. I feel like the actress that plays her can portray her well, but her look with the curly and darker hair throws me off a little too much.


To be fair, Triss's hair is described as chestnut in the books and the games aren't canon. Triss's appearance in the games is actually isn't congruent with her description in the books.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Nik Dela To be fair, Triss is also called a ginger by Yen in the books, and Sapkowski himself has described her as looking youthful and being a redhead 🤷🏼‍♀️

Christopher Michael Porter

Just watched all these reactions. Had only played the witcher 3 before this show. But after listening to all of your discussions, have decided to start on the books with the last wish