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Hi everybody!

And welcome to all of our new Patrons! We are so happy and delighted to have you here, thank you for your support, it is not going unnoticed.

I (Kat) am thinking of doing a Patreon-exclusive series of small, ultra-short videos on Denmark, as a project to learn how to edit videos so I can help Sonny eventually. (Bear in mind it's gonna be like a grandpa's attempt to make a fun and colourful PowerPoint presentation, but ya know...).

My question is, what topics would you like me to cover?

I can also make small topic videos on health/biology/biochemistry/pharmacology, but those might take a little more research and planning.

As a bonus, here is some nice and bright-coloured photos, just for the heck of it.


Sincerely, Kat (& Sonny)


Kirby Glover

Ooo I'd love to see a small series on Denmark. Dunno what topics about it tho, just anything really lol

Michel Ferreira

That'd be amazing! I would love if you touched on some language aspects, some basics maybe, Danish language relationship with other Nordic languages (is it mutualy intelligible with Swedish/Norwegian or not) etc etc. I love learning about new languages.


I'd definitely love to see something like this. Since Denmark is on the travel bucket list, I would really like to see a few local tips 🙃


I would love to see a series on interesting places in Denmark.


The vikings' cultural presence in today's Denmark would be a gr8

Victor M.P.G.

Danish women. I mean. In my line. Why pretend.... lol. No seriously, Sweaters. lol..... No, now for real, would be super nice and I welcome the idea with open eyes... :)

Walter Alcaraz

I would also like to see various interesting places and know about the history of Denmark.

Victor M.P.G.

Oh vikings, as somebody said, yeah. What's left of them? :D


Yes I would be very much interested in videos on this topic.

Irfan Malik

That's a cool idea, I love learning about other countries and their culture. You could do things like - a typical day in a life, places of interest, food such as types of restaurants, speciality dishes etc, history of your city or Denmark as a whole, I'm sure there's other ideas too, I just cant think of anything more at this time! Hope this helps.


That's a tough one Kat. I mean, we all hear vikings, happiest people, beautiful place, and other abstract notions; but many of us don't know anything about Danish life, now. As a couple people said: foods and dishes, some places of interest, and language. But mostly, approach it from the initial standpoint. I run into you two fabulous people. I am not familiar with your country, but have wanted to visit. We all have some coffee, and as I get to know the both of you, you both get to know me. At this point; what would you want to tell me about your country? What would you like to show me? Remember; at this point I am open to anything, and there is no wrong answer. I am the ignorant one here, sipping coffee, in a foreign country, with only viking festivals and happy socialism, to reference. Whatever subject matter YOU feel, makes up Denmark in video, we would love to see. I look forward to this <3 <3


Victor, seriously dude.. Kat is trying something new, and this is your contribution..? Come on hos! You're a patron!

Victor M.P.G.

Ouch, I think nobody got my humor, sorry there, Sonny, Patrick, and of course Kat. I was voting for "danish women" as a topic for ur videos, and then, "Sweaters"... lol... PLease forget it . Just take into account my comment from "No, now for real..:.". Meaning, I thnk it's a wonderful idea, and look forward to it.


Oh and info on pastries and licorice! Lulz. Do not forget about that since you are world famous for that! :P .


My godmother is from Denmark so I grew up with a lot of the culture. Even though I'm Caribbean, Denmark is associated with warm memories for me and times when my extended cousins would visit. And even though our skin color and culture was very different, we would always find a way to bond. So I would really love to get more insight into Danish culture so that when I see them again, hopefully in their home country instead of the US, I can understand them just that much more. :)