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While we didn't talk for nearly as long afterwards, as we did the last time,
this was still a very enjoyable episode!

How did you guys like this one?

Hope you enjoy the reaction!


The Witcher S01E05 Reaction FULL



Wasnt expecting this so soon! What a nice surprise! <3

Victor M.P.G.

Got scared when u guys said the last one was long, but it was not so terrible, I didn't even notice and swallow it whole (no sexual jokes here pls) ;)


I have friends who go through the exact same thing as Kat and I totally understand! Sorry people are being jerks about it! Even for me, anything with eyes or fingernails I just can't handle at all. But love your reactions and love tying in of the games! I've been inspired to replay Witcher 3 and one of these days i'll slog my way through 1, would love to see you guys play through the games again also!


Hi guys! I really love your reactions (and here I am, on Patreon just for you lol) and the insights you give about your knowledge of the books and games :) It's really nice to watch people so passionate about them as I am! Just wanted to address some of your perplexities with what I personally think about them. It's going to be a long post, I apologize for that in advance :'( First of all, as you rightly said, it's an adaptation and it can't (nor it should) be exacly like the books. That being said: - Mousesack: I don't really have a problem with his death, apart from the fact that I like him a lot and I was really sad to see him go like that. But I can understand WHY they killed him off since in the books he doesn't show up anymore. I mean, they potray him like a man with a mission: getting Ciri to Geralt, to fulfill that promise made to Calanthe. If he was alive in the show, how could they justify the fact that he just... goes wandering off? Since the games are not directly canon, I can't take them in account regarding his fate. We know that he survive Cintra... and that's all. Bye Mousesack. To me, they sort of gave him a better farewell this way. - Ciri: as you said, the Brokilon Forest part it's completely different and in the books it happens some years earlier. But that's also the very first time Ciri meets Geralt, and he ends up refusing to take her with him. Since the show started with the Slaughter of Cintra, the main focus is to see if those two characters (Ciri and Geralt) will ever meet and fulfill their destiny... if they slipped in an episode in which they met already, the hype wouldn't have been the same in my opinion. They also had to rewrite Ciri's storyline since the Slaughter of Cintra, and we don't really SEE what she did. To make Brokilon similar to the books, they should have had to show us what Ciri's life was in peaceful times and... that's not interesting. Sorry, but I have no interest in seeing her life at court, or her travel (and escape) to Brokilon while she was visiting Verden, just to be thrown back at Cintra for other years. Ciri IS the centre of the saga, that way they would have to way at least season 2 to get her involved. - "The Black Knight": let's call him like that lol. I think you are going to see Ciri's nightmares about him in season 2 when she's *in that place*. In the books you start to read Ciri's POV in Blood of Elves (not earlier) and that's when you know what she's dreaming about; it's confusing because here you can see her EARLIER than in the books, but I think they will show them when time comes. - Ciri's Nightmare: I may be wrong, but it seemed to me that in that nightmare she didn't see the Black Knight cutting elves' ears. She can hear Pavetta's scream (in the past, when Duny was about to die) and she sees CINTRA's soldiers cutting the ears off (like Dara had described, talking about Cintra's slaughter of the elves). THEN she sees the Black Knight coming for her. Or maybe I just saw it the wrong way, but the elven killers looked like they were wearing Cintra's armour to me D: Sorry for the long post and the bad english, just wanted to know what you think about it. Love you both, keep it up! <3

Victor M.P.G.

I have noticed the way Kat looks away from the screen on certain things, and I understand the gore thing lot better than the nudity one, but, that doesn't make her more wrong than me. I don't think people understand that being tolerant, respectful and open minded means the way u see things is not just the only one. And this is coming from someone with a very spicy sense of humor who had some funny misunderstandings in the past, lol... So, relax Kat and see life the way u fucking prefer, nobody can tell u that u are wrong and they are right. Cheeeeeeeers


You all seem quite angry about the show not matching the books and the game. Kind of makes me not able to enjoy the reactions.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Thank you for your comment! You make some very valid points that I mostly agree with. Even though I am still sad they killed off Mousesack. I can't remember her nightmare in detail, but it still was pretty much as described. Maybe not with the ear-cutting, but in broad strokes. I can't say too much about Ciri's storyline, maybe they're still gonna show us how she once again is a law of surprise child to Geralt. (If you know what I mean ☺️) Thank you for your insightful comment!

Sonny Mike Olsen

I apologise if we seem directly angry. We don't mean to be angry. When you know the source material, and it happens to be your favourite books, you can't help but to compare. And some of us won't be swallowing everything whole without questioning, you know? For my part, I am usually just sad that they cut out or change certain things that I really like, even though I completely understand the hardships of adaptation 😊 Kat


I really enjoy the reaction videos for the show. I have noticed that Kat and other reactors that have read the books, are less pleased than people, who havent read the books, but maybe played the games. I am one of those people, and I really enjoyed the show. Books creates expectations. I think you have to go into the show with the attitude, that it is inspired by the books, not an 1-1 adaption. I am pretty sure, that could be more confusing for people, who haven't read the books, and the show tries to cater most people. Again, I really like your reactions - keep up the good work :)