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Yet another Expanse reaction for ya!
We are still trying to speed things up, even though it mught be hard to catch up before season 4 drops. 

Hope you guys enjoy the reaction! 


The Expanse S02E10 Reaction FULL.mp4



"Anything else you want to cover?" "Bobbie's actress has a cute nose" I lost my shit

Peadar O'Ruadhán

The them and us, just parallel it with the way the West portrayed the Soviet Union, and how the Eastern Bloc portrayed the decadent west. Very similar parallel. Lopez back in S1 had the same perspective, that Earth was a decadent society with lazy people sitting around getting high on free drugs from the government etc. I heard on interesting statistic, that in wars, only about 10% of soldiers actually engage to kill the enemy. (Not talking artilary or bombing, but rather looking down a rifle and aiming to kill) and that half of those 5% are selfless types who kill to protect their comrades, and the other 5% are sociopaths. It is interesting that Holden restrains Naomi from stopping Amos with Chicken Boy. As far as Amos, reflect back to Alex and Amos on Tycho when the male prostitute approaches Amos, and Amos talks about sex work being more honest than most and is very sympathic to them. Sonny was very sharp to remember the discussion between Mao and Erinnwright, and the threat to seek someone more useful. Mao was also complaining to Erinnwright in that conversation that Earth was just obsessed with making weapons etc, and doesn't realise the scope of this, eg. Eros and Venus. During Bobby's Testimony in the previous episode, you saw when she mentioned about the 7th man, Erinnwright looked agitated and suprised, and when he was asking the tech about biologicals on Bobby's armor that he suspects that Mao has gone to the martians with the project The 'Ocean' in that scene is actually Lake Ontario, and you can't see it, but if you went 36km across the water from where Bobby was sitting you'd get to the city where I grew up in lol :) If you are binging its probably too late, but brace yourselves, especially Kat for the next few episodes, they are an emotional rollercoaster, but some of the best episodes and scenes of the entire series.


Haven't watched it yet, but you guys look like you could use some popcorn. ;-)


A very enjoyable discussion. I found Niko just disappearing an interesting artistic choice. He was like a helpful spirit guide , he just appears, gives her some helpful pointers, then disappears into thin air. The music during Bobbie's scenes is just wonderful. I've wondered if that beach is built on land fill debris from the flood wall construction. Some bad news coming from Prax, the station is already dead and they don't even know it yet.


Yes, this was Bobby's wake up episode. The cracks were forming before, but this is the first time she has to face the fact that her own government (or some section of it), betrayed her and her team. You are right, the indoctrination is probably deep. I can't remember who said it, and I'm going to paraphrase, "If you can generalize about a group of people, then you can categorize them, then it is only a short step to showing the category as the enemy. Since Mars seems to be extremely heavy about that, I'm sure Bobby comes in strong because of it. However, this is the first time she has to face the fact that her own government, the same one that gave her these "truths," handed he over to the sacrificial block. When you stand tall, with a nation that has given you your truths, and sense of right and wrong, and that government sacrifices you, and more importantly, the memory, honor, and dignity of you...Bobby can be shook. Anyway, loved the reaction, as always! Also, I never mind when you get into the philosophical, ethical, or moral discussions <3 <3 <3

Victor M.P.G.

Each time I see this episode, and the first time Bobbie sees the ocean, I wonder what's she thinking at that moment, when she fixes her eyes in the horizon, does something cracks inside her ? like a kind of ... sense of belonging, "this is home", I mean, this is my origin, everyone's real home.