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As promised, a short unedited and very homemade video of Sonny getting (parts of) his christmas present from Kat.

Hope you enjoy, sorry for the broken English, that's kinda how we do it here at home.

Have a nice day/evening,


🐈 & ☀️


Sonny unpacks early Xmas present

Sonny unpacks his early christmas present from Kat. Patreon Jawa Unicorn Xclusive



Man that's a lot of reading to get through I haven't read a book in a while I started reading the Mortal Engines books this year finished the 1st book and then went straight on to the 2nd but then had what was suppose to be a short break but haven't started up again yet. I find I have to really be in the mood to enjoy reading. I'm really looking forward to the new Dune movie adaptation as I'm a fan of the director Denis Villeneuve as well as the genre. I have a copy of the book and I tried reading it but It has a lot of complicated words many of which are made up for the world so I was finding I was having to look at the glossary every few pages and then forgetting what the words meant. I have Dyslexia so struggled to get past the first chapter which frustrating as I think I would enjoy it. Also your English sounded fine to me and seeing as I can only speak one language I'd say your doing better than me. :)


You piqued my curiosity so much, I just had to upgrade to unlock it. Very nice. As I mentioned before, would love to seem some ordinary home stuff and around town or travel vids from you two.


I agree with bwr I would also really like to see some non reacting related content like bwr mentioned.

Sonny Mike Olsen

Well! More home-stuff will come 😄 Do you guys like dogs?


I just love you 2 guys so much ✨💜🦄