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More Dark! Yay!
We are getting closer and closer to the season 1 finale, and wow.. what an episode this was! 

Enjoy the full length reaction!


Dark S01E08 Reaction FULL



Thanks, that made my evening. I found that taking screenshots of the family portraits and the ones showing the characters at different ages are helpful. I forgot about the cigar-shaped burn marks on Tronte's arms which explains why the mother and son were on the move. Hope you both feel better soon or fully recovered (since this was probably recorded a while ago).

Deana DeWall

All I thought about was...what happened to Gretchen the dog? Also, it seemed like Claudia was mentioned at least a few times in this episode.


Respect for keeping the fart in assuming you meant to. 😊


Okay so.. Ulrichs mom mentioned she almost left his dad in the past because he had an affair. Regina Tiedemann mentioned at the school play in the lobby that the Nielsen patron slept with her mom, Claudia. Makes sense now since young Claudia had an immediate attachment to Tronte Nielsen when he arrived in '53. Is Ulrich's dad also Regina's dad? We never see him.