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Yay! More Expanse! We can't wait to watch more, this season is really starting out strong.



The Expanse S02E03 Reaction FULL


Peadar O'Ruadhán

People have probably told you , but give yourself time to watch 2.4 and 2.5 together. Don't care if you want to keep to your reaction release schedule, but for your own enjoyment, I highly recommend you watch them together. One comment about miller's haircut. Alot of the belters have the sides of their heads shaved like that. It is to better accomodate helmets. Its the attention to detail like that, that I love this show.

Deana DeWall

Love that u guys have read the Hyperian books. Have u also read Ilum and Olympos by Dan Simmons? Can't wait to watch your reactions to the next 2 episodes...


Wow, great discussion and love your passion for the show.. Buckle up. It looks like Naomi found a new friend. I liked Drummer's line, "I see you're from some Rock" and pointed to the neck tattoos. Miller finally embraced his Belterness and got a look of pride from the Julie hallucination.

Sonny Mike Olsen

No, I didn't even get past the second section in Hyperion (I am really bad at reading), but I've heard they're not as good as the first one. What do you think? Kat


Ahhh, I have finally figured out this patreon thing, and can reply (yay me!). First, Hyperion does go from magnificent, to just brilliant; but still brilliant lol. Second, I see the parallels you are drawing from mass effect, but I think those parallels are there because of the moral dilemmas you talked about in the previous episode, more than the comparison. Your critique of the Martian marines is much like I had when I first saw them, but the wonder of this show, is how the characters develop. I would remind you of your initial reaction to Amos and Miller. Let it wash over you slowly. This show is fantastic at the slow burn and turn. I love the reactions! Keep them coming, as it is possible with Kat's masters lol. I will always have the full Chernobyl to fill the odd moments until then. Much love, from a country led by a strategically shaved orangutan.