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It's time for another episode of The Expanse! We love this show so much, and can't wait to watch more and share the reactions with all you guys as we get closer to the premiere of Season 4.



The Expanse S02E02 Reaction FULL


Alan Sako

Hmm, I am getting a File Does Not Exist error? Is there a problem with the Google Drive files?


Great video quality and love the lighting! You guys look amazing. Diogo "Invincible Me!" is back. Love that conversation in the shuttle, Diogo was so hyped up that he almost puked, too, hehe. Excellent comments and review. Don't worry, most, if not all of your questions will be answered.

Deana DeWall

Thanks so much for taking Kerry's advice about including video. Love u guys! As for many of your questions...they will be answered, but will open the door to many more...lol.


New format is even more amazing. Money well spent on supporting you guys.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Love the new backdrop :) Hoss is a southern US term for 'big man'. The Mariner valley in the books they explain was settled by mainly southwest Asians, and some professional technical types from Texas, and the Texan accent spread in that particular part of Mars. Fed ex pods was abit of a nod to one of the producers early supporter was some exec for Fed Ex apparently. LOL.. I think 90% of reactors say 'God Damn it Miller' at that scene lol. Was just going to comment on Nazi science, when you brought it up. Excellent point, and a big ethical dilema.