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Sorry, but my most important people deserve to know everything every time I'm down.

Just saying in case peeps wonder where I am 🙏

I feel patreon peeps deserve the best I can share, and so many small things have gone UNSHARED so that the main important parts do, I'm gonna look around and mix in old stuff with whatever new pops up.

I am still planning Shocktober streams, but its so close and I'm not ready. The setup isn't done, music isn't fixed (had to use Patreon moneys to subscribe to that awful music app because they crashed old versions, locking projects on my old phones). Since sounds suck, that project is too.

SO! bare with!

Easter photoshoot was canceled this month, cuz no time, yeaterday we exhausted ourselves doing a merch job for my partner for 5 hours instead.

the old TV has to go still, the new TV is here thanks to RichardH, heroism holy F. So I'm still gonna get that up and going so I can relax between stuff. My other tv blew and just never turned on about a week after my hearing/ ears pain blew on 4th Sept....ironically, setting up for the easter shoot.

That's the update! ask me stuff, I'm still here just dealing k? Gonna cut some vids and check pics so ... SOMEthing in a day or 3 😏



so many unlucky breaks!! rest up, fingers crossed for you....


Please be safe and rest up!