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I'm having a hard time yo, I'll try next week?

Both ear/sounds and migraine /eye stuff from Tuesday still buggin, so however long this lasts.

I havent even dragged out the 35 foot cables or cleaned up yet.

kidney pain went away for now, limited dizzy...i'm dragging hard. I dunno what to do, after tmrw it gets hot summer again.

Fusion kitty has no collar now, I gotta fix, so she out until I do ❤️




Rest up!! Glad at least some of the pain is going away....


Thanks hun, I was thinking of you the whole time too cuz of timing, didn't wanna be too LATE because you can't be up that far into night. If I had my way I'd probably be done streaming by now ,10pm. I did hurt myself laughing at funny tweets this morning while laying in bed... gonna be salty about that until Tuesday