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I got some leads/help with my stuff.

I have migraines,and especially dizzyness nowdays. It's not always with winter but common. Also checking my other health issues. It's not just some easy headache thing.

We have so many health issues that it hurt my streaming/convention/even tryon vids. Since so many doctors misled me and tossed me away, I didn't get care, it makes you give up almost. Only by helping my partner was I able to get it back together and say no, there's something wrong. So We'll see, but for NOW, less stress which is HUGE ...stress can end up BEING a reason to end up in the ER, stacked on health issues especially.

Things are ok with my partner, she stable again but covid with her health issues is basically the recipe for casket. So that stress is lifted a lot, when we already miss streaming and have to mentally deal with the magnitudes of recent, its even heavier.

I have 3 specialists next week for instance, so close to being ok but yet so far. I need PT also, no idea if a surgery or etc but we'll see! Pain I can take, it tells me something is up, but what's up is the daily question.

btw NO MEDICAL ADVICE, chances are, the most complicated thing anyone could think of ... is the most simple thing for us to consider, and we knew or tossed it out 10 yrs ago. This is an update of the struggles that we go through and still try to keep going.

Either way I'm dealing and able to cook and stand now so , so far so good! I'mm gonna try a video game or something cuz its been a couple weeks. I miss playing games with some of you! Soon I think, after this week? might have to test stream some. ❤️




Oof! Sorry it's all still so rough, but glad things aren't as bad as they have been! Wishing you both all the best....

Kei Fox

Damn, every time I see news of these constant health issues, it breaks my heart for how undeserved it all is for you and Starlight both. And yet, you have such a courageous heart to keep going and sharing your talents in these videos and other beautiful media works. BIG loving hug for you to keep enduring and staying strong. <3