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They messed up a few covers on like every calendar, I have replacements getting printed, but the old ones either get trashed or given away, but not until year starts.

This is why I order one of everything first, then go in for the heavy stock orders afterwards 👊 I also improved it a LITTLE, the only issue was cover 🧂🧂🧂 go figure.

Less streasful this year by far! Doing great tbh!

Still, today is day 2 of a bad migraine...yesterday we were kinda forced to drive 3hrs in pre holiday nasty boston rush hour traffic.... orobablt what made today so bad. So I can barely write this stuff today but I'm bored and needed to at least tell everyone why I'm stuck doing nothin for 3 more days. I get these at least twice per month, its more than migrain too nowdays...probably from covid, leaves me exhausted just feeling like garbage. So if anyone else starts to get that and they had covid, talk to doctor, cuz I lost energy to take deep breaths (but I was doing laundry in tub) but please keep an wye on this stuff guys! talking about hero to zero , you guys mean too much.



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