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Still nothing much going on, but I did play around with Bixxti some more (see my Twitter, I kinda spammed for an hour or two) and fiddled with my screen filter effect some more. I would still really like to do a once-over on all my characters and make sure all their models are updated and good, but I haven't been able to yet. Super cool to be messing around in Blender again, even if it's only for a bit.
Also tinkered with my model merges for AI stuff, but what I thought would be an easy upgrade was not so easy, and didn't even become much of an upgrade at all. I'll have to try messing with that again, I think it's almost time to do a new merge from scratch, or finally upgrade to those SDXL models. (Side note, dude, that Bing AI is really cool.)

IRL's still continuing to be time-consuming and distracting, though I think I mentioned I bought one of those baby monitors with a screen so that I don't have to constantly go bananas with listening super carefully to make sure my grandma stays out of trouble, that thing lowered my stress levels with her by quite a lot, I don't have to worry as much. (Kinda funny that there's a bazillion used baby monitors on Amazon, but it makes sense, kids grow up, heh.)

Getting lots of family stuff going on too, like a bazillion visits and a famous relative I've only met like once dying (some big-name dude in the sports industry, I guess?) Oh, and a relative of mine getting into two (2) car accidents in the span of a month (she's fine.)

(EDIT: oh yuck, Patreon defaults to having it so only paid members can comment! I turned that off immediately, I'm not paywalling comments.)



I’m just glad to see you’re still doing okay!