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My current computer chair is on its last legs (haha chair joke), so I'm buying a new one off Amazon.
They, uh, got more expensive than the last time I looked, oof.

Anyway, at some point soonish, I definitely need to buy an ACTUALLY GOOD hard drive; I finally found where my motherboard hides the m.2 slots, but I'm considering just buying a hybrid hard drive or two instead. Best case scenario, I buy three laptop hybrid hard drives (mainly because they're thin and cheap) and rubberband them together and make a RAID array out of them for both speed and safety, since it'd be pretty cool to have that much storage AND not have to worry about something happening to my data.

Maybe related, I might also get a pretty decent power strip, or a cheap UPS because our area gets a lot of minor brownouts and I'm always a little afraid that one of these days a big one will hit during a file transfer and break something, IDK.


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