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Same as always, 3D stuff first, IRL stuff last:

-Tweaked Dettna pretty good, mostly stuff involving her breasts and her fur texturing, plus that fake "linea nigra" effect her belly has.
-Redid a decent chunk of my screen filter to avoid any of that weird stripe-y aliasing that I don't know the name of, and tweaked some of the weaker effects to be more noticeable. Plus I think I got the colors and lighting to look a bit better, but it needs some testing.
-Added a couple videos to the MEGA folder and Youtube.
-Some other stuff, IDK, I don't write any of this stuff down. I'll probably reupload all my characters again some time soon.
-Fooled around with the VR viewer plugin built into Blender; it was really cool to see everyone up close like I'm actually there, but it really didn't like complex scenes very much, it worked okay if it was just one character on that little platform and nothing more.

-My grandpa is at the hospital for a medical procedure (no worries), so I'm stuck at home taking care of all the extra chores, including the complex food system the rabbits get, where they get fed three times a day with different meals depending on the day or the specific diet for said rabbit. It's, uh, annoying.
-Lord have mercy, that hospital took forever to get through due to C19 restrictions and bad communication among the staff.
-That goofball owns a cellphone, but doesn't use it, so the entire family tree is texting/calling me for updates constantly.


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