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(Fun at the top, less fun at the bottom, nothing too bad tho.)
(Sorry if this is kinda messy, I'm writing this up pretty late.)

3D stuff:
So yeah, still no Ommni, if anyone remembers I'm supposed to add it. Probably going to wait until I've got another character to replace Hytie in the cast.
Laela's back to her normal gummy self again, and things are overall going back to normal too.
I need to make more HUGE stuff, that's for sure. I've noticed people tend to get bored with the smaller sizes and I don't do the huge sizes often enough.
Another thing I need to do is flesh out some more places to set my pictures, I still want to have at least one grungy alley, but in the meantime I'm working a little on the viewer's house and the bathrooms.
Also, I keep wanting to go back and fix Conndea, the cowgirl Sym, but I keep getting side-tracked.
Still, I keep thinking about animations and doing more than just 5-minute projects like turnarounds, but loads of creators are getting their content wiped, and it's got me a bit worried that there'll eventually be no place to host and stream my content to people, that I'll just be stuck with pictures forever, for better or worse.

Got loads more errands to do lately, it's time-consuming and tiring, and I don't get a lot of unbroken time to myself.
Really needy errands, too, mostly stuff that shouldn't need my help, or 10-minute errands that end up taking hours because of last-second changes.
Unrelated, lockdowns and other restrictions are putting pressure on a few important things, too, making it difficult for any of us to get anything done, including a relative's very important heart surgery that's been put off for two or so years.
Kinda annoying that the govt is allowed to even DO some of this stuff, but there's not much we can do about it, so we hope that things go well in the process.


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