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Same as always, fun at the top of the post, less-fun at the bottom.

Dettna and Saedi got some minor shape tweaks, Saedi got a little bustier, too, mainly just to solve some unrelated issues with something else.
Going to try to see if I can't make a few more things with Eila for once, since she really doesn't get used much and I need to start setting up a plot about her developing a new fetish.
Ommni, the shapeshifting medical Sym is going to need a little introducing in some text-based stories before I can start using it, despite the fact that it'll take me literally five minutes to get it modeled.
Speaking of text, I still want to try to toss out a public, complete update to the text game before the end of the year, and like I said before, the lore is locked at a certain time frame, so I can slap in basically anything I want without having to update huge chunks of the game to reflect lore changes, things like Bixxti being an adult now, Laela being part gum, Dettna having a son, Onney being alive and active, etc.

Also, I see the income has dropped below the $90 threshold, but it's December, so as a Christmas thing, I wont lock the MEGA back behind the $5 paywall this month (unless it suddenly drops much further, I guess.)

Less fun:
There were some major health problems that popped up with my grandma (I caretake for my grandparents), she's got some lasting issues because of it, but it's still manageable so far, though my grandpa and myself agree that if she gets any worse, she's going to a retirement home, since neither of us wants to change diapers or lock the house down with baby locks everywhere.
In short, her dementia has gotten noticeably worse, but it's still manageable.
Outside of that, there's not much else that's worth mentioning on this lewd Patreon page, heh.
Did some heavy-duty yard work... I guess?


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