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Nothing too big to report, I guess, just figured I should actually post something to the Patreon every now and then so it doesn't look like I'm dead.
Same as always, 3D stuff at the top, IRL stuff at the bottom:

Fixed some dumb rigging issues I've had for a while on a couple characters, issues I've put off because I'm lazy. Made a lot of tweaks to Laela and Bixxti's boob shape keys, mostly Laela; they're a bit smaller, but there's nothing stopping you from going past the limits anyway, honestly.
As for plots, I want to get Onney's wrapped up soonish (maybe), and I've got a plot about a tanning salon I want to toss out there, but most of the major stuff is over with otherwise.
I kinda thought about doing Saedi's origin for Halloween, but, well, I don't know, as much as I kinda want to reveal that, I kind of enjoy having it buried in the text game where hardly anyone can see it.
I'm also going to force myself to release a public update to the text game this month, since the Patreon copy is still slightly more updated than it, and I don't like withholding content behind a paywall if I can avoid it.

IRL: (slight rant)
My birthday (Oct 6th) was... okay. As some kind of cosmic irony, I got wrapped up into a lot of random errands all day and didn't really have any chance to enjoy anything, and on top of that, I didn't feel too great all day thanks to a vitamin I took that morning on an empty stomach, and a bout with acid reflux that lasted most of the day, too. Lunch was good, but I wasn't really feeling dinner, so I skipped that like I skipped breakfast, and ended up coming home after dark.
Every day after that, (ending tomorrow night, hopefully) has been just as busy, my schedule packed with inconvenient errands for people who shouldn't need so much help.
[I wrote a much longer rant here, then deleted it, since I figured that was just all venting, and it was a bit long, heh.]
Still, one of my biggest pet peeves with people is when they need/want help for something they should be able to do themselves, and I've basically been drowning in that the last week, it's massively irritating.


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