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Still kinda thinking about that Treaonn idea (or however I'd decide to spell his name.)

Basically, there'd be a Patreon tier where people can control a guy at the lab named in some way similar to "Patreon", who is notorious for being unpredictable.
People could submit all kinds of things for Triyonn to do, whether it be keeping Laela as personal property for a couple days, or tossing napalm onto Bixxti, whatever's fine. I think the only rules would be the obvious stuff, like "don't kill anyone", "don't start some kind of LONG plot lines on a whim", and "don't permanently alter anyone" (like getting someone's arm cut off and replaced with a massive dildo, or whatever, IDK.)
-but yeah, this Trion guy would go around and do whatever the Patreon people would ask for.

No clue if it'd be better to have the tier locked to a certain number of people, or if I should just open the floodgates, though.


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