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Any suggestions, comments or concerns for me?
My stuff I make, the Mega folder, animations, pictures, memes, whatever.
Toss anything you want at me, I don't mind if you have to get a little rude to get the point across.

(Tiny IRL update: going to spend the 3rd-5th with family, then about a week later, I'll probably get a bit busy with some other IRL stuff. No clue yet if that'll affect my 3D work or not.)



There's apparently a plugin for blender VR. Kinda has me wondering if you're gonna take commissions for animations again so it could be possible to see your animations in VR without you needing to do anything extra.


Don't even need a plugin for that, VR stuff is already built in. I'm not 100% sure if I'll be able to manage too many VR videos because they take up a massive amount of file space, and take forever to render. If I do one, it'll either be an on-rails 3D video where you can't look around, or one (1) special video that I'll host somewhere that isn't my Mega folder.


I wasn't saying you'd need to do the rendering. I was saying it could be done on those with powerful enough hardware. https://www.roadtovr.com/blender-vr-support-openxr/ That and instead of it being a 3d sort of thing, it'd be full 3d. Like, placed into the scene akin to VR chat. Edit:only now noticed that this didn't get put as a reply to your last comment. My bad. I didn't see an option to reply on mobile.


Whoops, thanks to the busted reply, I didn't see a notification for this comment, heh. Yeah, that plugin looks interesting, though I'd have to see where the development goes first.