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Been a while since I've done one of these, I think.

Overall doing fine, no major hits to the bank account since that car accident a while back.
Threw $40 into Dogecoin for giggles and now it's hovering at around $500-$600 in value. I'll probably wait forever to cash out, since I'm curious to how high it will/wont go, and $40 isn't heartbreaking if DOGE drops to 0.01c again or something, IDK, it's fun.
It's pretty interesting we're getting closer to the $100 threshold on Patreon, but I wonder if it'll suddenly drop like a rock after hitting it instead.

Stuff I've bought with the Patreon money:
-Cheap 3D printer (TOO cheap in my opinion,) it's got a lot of weird little design flaws, but it works alright. I don't have the privacy to print anything lewd, tho. One part was very flimsy and broke, so I'm waiting on a replacement.
-Oculus Quest 2. Outside of the stupid Facebook requirement, the headset's a total beast, both hard-wired AND wireless. I've played a couple lewd things here and there, but I mostly play some fishing games and Before They Fall. I don't have much room to maneuver, so I'm pretty limited. Still gotta try rendering some 3D videos and see if they work, preferably without taking 100GB per animation, heh.
-External hard drive. Slow, but solid and has good storage. I really should get around to buying an M2 drive for SPEED at some point, my internal HDD isn't very good.
-Replaced a bunch of hole-y clothing. (I'll admit I'm a huge fan of thrift stores, so I got "new" clothes for super cheap. Had to buy new underwear totally new, tho.

IRL life stuff:
-My grandma I take care of isn't doing too great, both mentally, physically AND emotionally. If she goes, I'll probably have to take a week or two off to deal with that; maybe more, depending on how things go.
-I've ridden my motorcycle, like, twice since covid started. I wanted to go get my motorcycle endorsement so I can ride legally, but again, the virus ruined that plan.
-Most of my family that wants the vax has gotten it, but there's a lot of friction between the pro- and anti-vaxxers. Lots of finger pointing and name calling.

Actually relevant stuff:
I still need to finish the house model. Bixxti's little story is complete, finally. I should aim to wrap up the AE story soonish. Might bring back Onney some time soon, but I don't want to crowd too many plots too close together.
I keep updating Bixxti's model for random details, and learned a better way to handle clothing, too.
Still keeping the text game on hold until I've finished with all the major plot points I've been covering.

Still, thanks for supporting me, even if I don't really have that much to offer that's worth the price. Go check out the MEGA folder and all the little subfolders for whatever you can find.



Wow, this was a very comprehensive update. Thanks for letting us know all this, and for being honest about it! I really hope for and wish you the best in the months to come. P.S. The Quest 2 has some kind of "Facebook requirement"? What do you mean by that? (I'm looking into buying one myself) P.P.S. I like thrift stores as well.~ I don't buy clothes often from them but I love seeing their other stuff and I love breathing new life and new use into old stuff :3


All the Oculus headsets are going to start requiring people to have Facebook accounts to use them (or just use their stores, I'm not sure.) The Oculus Quest 2 already requires an FB account, it's totally mandatory. Facebook themselves doesn't allow people to make alt accounts or use fake information, so people have to use their actual IRL data and link that to their headsets, which is a bit on the unnerving side. The Quest 2 is INCREDIBLE for the money, and even has a better display than the Index (which costs $1000 USD), but the Facebook thing is definitely a huge dealbreaker for a lot of people.


(replying to your reply) That sounds totally fucked. I'm probably going to find a way to cheat it; I already don't like/have Facebook. Thanks so much for the information! I had no idea this was a thing.