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(I don't really have too many patrons/subscribers, so if this ends up only getting like 5 votes across both platforms and none of the options are clearly BLOWING UP, I'll just make a copy of the poll on Twitter, instead.)

Like I said before, my PC is basically fully upgraded now and the only other real improvements I can do are the dumb enthusiast stuff like $500 RAM sticks and 2000W PSUs. I mean I'll probably upgrade my storage a bit, my drive is getting to be on the older, slower side, but that's about it.

This "upgrade budget" will become a "repair safety net" instead, and I need you guys to help decide how much should be stashed away for emergency computer parts/repair. Should it just cover the basics, since honestly I doubt my computer is just going to fall apart out of nowhere, and there's no kids or pets to spill things on it, or should I keep the budget big enough to replace any single part in the whole thing, no matter what breaks if/when it does?

Of course I don't plan to waste the overflow cash on TOO much dumb stuff, like buying drugs or anything. (Maybe a little drinky-drink here and there. Don't worry, I'm not an alcoholic, it takes me like 6 months to finish a bottle.) It's most likely going to be stuff like replacing some of my hole-y clothes, and getting transmission work done on my motorcycle, or finally getting my regular bicycle up and running again so I can start getting proper exercise and fresh air.

(Honestly I also don't really want to have the budget hit some crazy high number like $1000+, since at that point I'd be saving up for two whole years and I don't expect my whole computer to vaporize all at once, heh. What I'm getting at is that it would take quite an event to ruin my whole computer at once; if things got THAT bad, I expect money is probably not going to solve whatever it is, as it's probably a volcanic eruption or a massive earthquake or something and I'm dead and buried under rubble.)

EDIT: Poll ended and the post has been unlocked for everyone to read.


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