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-Hytie, that hummingbird hybrid I've been posting a lot still has a few issues in her model, and she's kinda messy to use, considering her bird legs and very bird-y wings. Her human DNA's a tad low for my personal tastes, so I'll likely make mini-tweaks here and there to help nudge her a smidge more human. I mean, I *want* her to tie with Laela for being the hybrids with the least human DNA, but hummingbirds are significantly less anthropomorphic than a Lopunny, so it's a challenge.
-The polls for the CYOA involving Hytie are getting a little less votes than I'd like, but I haven't given them much time and there's the fact she's barely humanoid, so it makes sense.
-No, I still haven't gotten the balloon out of Laela yet.
-Yes, Dettna's still missing and full of a lot of beer.
-Yes, the CYOA thing with Hytie's almost over.

Obviously IRL's still busy, BUT I'm looking at maybe opening commissions or something next month, depending on how things go.


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