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The short story is that there was an interest on Twitter in the possibility of adding/removing some human DNA from a hybrid or two.

I made this poll to try to gauge how much of an interest it is. I wont change anything unless one choice gets a decent-sized lead over the other choices, though.

EDIT: in unrelated news, I was window-shopping around for computer parts, as well as actual prebuilt/custom/refurb towers and a thought occurred to me: workstation computers. It would be an investment for sure, but the idea of making/buying a huge computer with two CPUs and a metric butt-ton of expansion slots sounds pretty neat.
THAT would definitely be a solid "if I can get one for cheap-ish" possibility.

EDIT EDIT: poll complete, pretty inconclusive, though more people than I expected wanted a little less human DNA in the group, surprisingly.


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