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I think it's been a while since I did one of these, I probably could've just scrolled down, but eh. 

-CPU fan is getting a little louder, hasn't failed yet, I'm not in panic mode yet. My CPU has one of those crazy-huge heat sinks on it, so I'm not too sure I even NEED a fan, ha.

-Once a week, my mouse starts drifting upwards for no reason when I start my computer, fixed by hitting one of the sensitivity buttons on it. Kinda weird, IDK.
-Once a day, my mouse will register a held click as a regular click. This issue's a bit more annoying, I'm considering running a poll to see if I should spend some of the PC budget to replace it.
-Side-side note, I just found out that my mouse has angle snapping, I'm not sure why I haven't noticed it until now.

-Hard drive keeps getting close to full, but that's a game/movie issue, not a rendering issue. I'm overdue to clean it up on both the lewd and non-lewd sides; or I can just keep more games on my external that I don't use that much, IDK. Not a big deal.

-Celebrating two birthdays in the next week, one is my grandpa's and the other is mine. He's turning the big 80 (or was it 70?) and I'm turning 30.

-That family emergency I mentioned is 100% resolved, although it did cause a couple schedules to adjust, especially in regards to the birthdays.

-Found out I like chicory in my coffee, who knew? Adding that to my list of cinnamon, cardamom, and coconut palm sugar (brown, specifically.)


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