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It's been a while, so here's a quick summary of life right now, on and off the internet.
I figure anyone who runs a Patreon should be a little transparent about their lives, although I might be overdoing it.

-Still going good overall, no major issues
-Pretty sure one of my two old RAM sticks are failing, at least a little. Good I'm planning to replace them soon-ish
-GPU's great, but the swap to the Cycles engine in Blender affected render times more than I'd like. Was an alright tradeoff; pictures and animations have much better lighting and shading, but the render times are longer
-My first foray into Blender's NEW render engine are going fine. This one's built for FAST and QUICK and "HOLY CRAP, IT'S RENDERED ALREADY!?!?!", but isn't as fancy with the lighting and shading. They might add more to it, since I don't think the new engine is finished yet
-Never used a mesh deform modifier before, but did it for the person in the lab coat. Not happy with the results, I'll have to redo it without the modifier and tinker with that stuff later
-Learning 2.8's hotkeys and relearning the UI is a pain. I understand they wanted to change everything to feel more like the other modeling software, but dang this is messing with my head

-Celebrated several family birthdays without a hitch, have a couple more soon
-Diabetic grandmother I'm taking care of had her insulin dosage increased, no diabetic attacks so far
-My sister seems to be getting her life together a bit, but she REALLY needs to stop having kids for a while, at least until her financial situation gets more stable. I haven't had to drive an hour to her house to babysit in a long time, whew
-Spending a lot of time dealing with our yard, now that the weather's clearing up. Had to do a big landscaping thing for an elderly neighbor and woke up the next morning very sore
-My niece might have a learning disability, no confirmation yet

Money (unrelated to rendering and this Patreon):
-Motorcycle needs a tune-up. Kinda pricey-ish, but I might just do it myself and save the money, as I probably can't afford it
-Still no real job, I keep missing interviews because of one Grandma-related thing or another. Probably going to have to avoid applying anywhere until she gets bad enough to be sent to a home. (Maybe I'll just open commissions for once, ha.)

-Haven't been stricken with the Patreon Flu yet. (COUGH COUGH "I caught a nasty bug and can't make things, please donate to cover my hospital bills in the mean time." COUGH COUGH)
-All good, no health issues to report, assuming I didn't jinx it with that last line, oof



Aw jeez, accidentally liked my own post and when I took the like off, it came back on, ha.