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In no particular order, and most of these will stay here until I'm confident that I have become reasonably proficient in it:

1. Animating. Like, actual animation; walking, picking things up, throwing things, running, etc. Might even look into mocap and lip-sync, just for the experience.

2. Particle systems. Smoke, sparks, blood sprays, splashing water, etc.
2a. Hair, both the individual strand kind and the solid spiky mess kind.

3. IK rigging. I still have this problem where I try to move a character's arm and the elbow just goes inverted. This is probably why I tend to make characters just Family Guy stand with their arms at their sides, ha.

4. Patience. I tend to keep animations simple, low-res or short, so I don't have to have my computer render all day. I need to start allowing myself longer render times.

5. Corrective shape keys. When a person IRL moves their arm, the arm doesn't stay the same shape, you have muscles and things moving around in there. My models don't have them, which is what corrective shape keys are for. I don't use them, but I should. (Bad idea to worry about realism on really cartoony characters, but it's a good skill to learn for the less cartoony projects)

6. Restraint. I post too much stuff. Gotta flip the "quantity over quality" approach I've been doing.

7. Rigging, and building characters to fit the rig. I don't have any precision when making/editing a model, which is why elbows and knees look so funky when they bend on my projects. My rigs aren't even that great, since they have tons of issues around the hips and shoulders.

8. Texture work, mostly UV mapping. No precision there, either. The few textures I use are just kinda slapped on there and jury-rigged into place. As for the ones I draw (say, eyes, mouths and the occasional belly strain), I need more practice with that so I can avoid chronic sameface.

9. Objects/machinery/etc. Basically, I need to make more things that aren't just the character. Pumps, vats, chairs, restraints, machinery, gags, tubing, food, drinks, etc. I like the whole thing about doing this stuff in an empty void of nothingness, but that doesn't give me an excuse to make the middle area as empty as its' surroundings.

10. Timing and speed. I don't pay enough attention to how fast things happen, or WHEN they happen, so a lot of my animations run too fast or too slow, or things just happen at random times. It's not 100% a problem, but it's still something I should look at.

If I missed any, or you feel I'm incorrect about any of these, let me know and I'll adjust the list.


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