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Gotta say, I'm not a huge fan of the site. It's nice that it supports WEBMs and all, but I've never been a fan of these Booru galleries and the bajillion tags.

Current grievances:

1. Tagging. It's 99% of how users find videos, so I have to make sure to cover as many tags as possible and word them in ways that match how other users wrote their tags. A P.I.T.A., but it's manageable.

2. The ranking/scoring system. Numbered like-dislike systems are a big pet peeve of mine, since it usually gets real confusing real quick as to why users rank something down or up, and if you have anything in a video that has a bad reputation, say goodbye to your score. I'm looking at you, SU fanbase! Watching one of my animations drop to -6 in ten minutes and then rise back up to a solid 0 wouldn't be a problem if I knew /why/ it got so many dislikes, but there's no way to tell, and the comments weren't super useful either.

3. I feel like a fish out of water there. I'm not /really/ a furry, I just like to use anthro characters, since they're fun to work with and are more malleable than humans, but e621 users mostly feel like furry is all they know, reinforced by the rules of the site preventing people from posting humans at all. I can't quite explain it. I felt it most strongly when reading comments on pictures and animations there.

4. dA doesn't allow hotlinking to e621. This is a big one, since it means that dA users who can't open SWF files have to stick to MEGA links and download the videos before they can view them. I'm not sure why dA blocks the links, but they do and the only workarounds I can think of is to either A: hotlink to FA from dA and then have users use the hotlinks found there, or B: go the full scum route and use one of those link shortener sites for my links and hope dA doesn't block those.

5. They only support WEBM, SWF and GIF animations. Out of those three, WEBM is the only one I care about that is reasonable to use and supported on modern web browsers, but I was hoping for regular formats like MKV and MP4, so I can upload videos without having to run them through file converters and all those limitations.

6. That darn file limit. I get 10 slots for uploads at a time, which have to be cleared by a moderator before I can upload any new stuff, and their moderators are either slow, or they're swamped by the crazy number of uploads on the site, leading to delays on clearing that list.

TL;DR: I'm not sure if e621 is the best choice for an upload location for me. I might plan on running another poll to figure out which of the alternate locations will work out better. MEGA's probably a given, so I need to figure out what to go with it.



Sounds less than ideal. If I'm being totally honest, I've never even heard of e621 before now. Granted it's probably because I'm not a furry, it sounds heavily geared towards them.