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Security maybe needs to work on his cover/bedside manner. But it does sound effective...

Making a pot roast is an innate cartoon mom skill. Like knowing about souffle risings. Or how to handle a hectic night of the boss coming over for dinner. All those sitcom-level disasters TV so prepared me for for but nobody ever encounters in real life. At least the client doesn't have to worry about the ol' "two dates at the same time" trope. Cartoon moms are free from that one.




Can never get enough TV moms! Love the hips and giant hair. Hopefully this was a learning experience for the couch potato.


You can't spell radiation without rad!

Firestorm blade

…so the wife just gets no comeuppance for messing with her hubby?


Nobody said cursed artifacts were fair. They're usually the opposite. But maybe the jokes on her and his pot roast is really bad and she's been hyping herself up fir it all day.


It does limit your clothing options when you have to rely on your artifact to supply your duds and you can't go to the local shops and buy some pants.