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Attached are this week's bonus arts at a smaller size for our non-Patrons. Join up to get access to the full resolution images!

Our Patron requests this month have the theme of dress up and costumes.

Our next request was by Cydra to see Clem and Ryleigh as superheroes complaining about the outfits, so we got Venom and Power Girl.

Even into adulthood, Roland and Mercy had to maintain the power of time-outs to keep demi-gods in their place.

Our next request was by Emily to see Pip and Roland done up as Mario's Princesses Toadstool and Daisy.

Super crowns are for chumps when you have access to demons, the occult, and a well-staffed wardrobe department.

Our next request was by CoreDumpError to see Mercy dressed up like Jessica Rabbit.

Like a good boy, Roland keeps his sexy pictures of Mercy hidden in secret wallet compartments. Mercy, though, she'll show off sexy Ruth pictures to anybody that even remotely looks in her direction. Mercy's just proud of her dame!


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