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Our Patron requests this month have the theme of Truth or Dare.

Our next request was by RossPhillips, with the options:

Truth: Does eating a lot of one thing cause any side effects for Maw? Rock make him stony, dogs- doggy etc etc

Dare: I dare Brux to trade his pride for research funding. Securing grant money is a vital skill for academics and that Lara Croft girl always seems to have plenty of cash.

More like "fund the arse"! Artse... Arsets... We'll figure it out eventually.

Thanks for the suggestion, Ross!

Our Patrons will get this week's bonus art at full resolution!



Ross Phillips

Bruxley clearly makes the ideal adventure girl. Chest with a big set of ... lungs to breathe in that mountainous air. Legs with big ... strong muscles to climb over obstacles.