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This case for the Mercs, the team shows off their amazing lawyering skills PLUS an ability to throw down hot anti-Divine burns.

Also, I think putting down "controllable flaming bouffant" as a perk would make a job MORE desirable. Maybe that's just me.

Big thanks for all your support! I'm reaching out to commissioners for a picture this month and working on a side project myself that will hopefully get finished this month. Exciting stuff!



Donald Randolph

getting volunteered without job details can have interesting "benefits"


I can download the files but everything fails to open them.


That's odd. They're just .jpgs like all the previous months. Shoot me an email and I can send you the files. Maybe that will work?


Shot you a message with my email. Opening the other months works just fine. For some reason this month just doesn't seem to want to open. I even downloaded JPG viewers and JPG to PDF Converter is just to see if they would view its but nothing does


Shouldn't of said yes


I can try to download the files on my Linux box, but the CPU usage then goes through the roof for some reason, and although I can go into /tmp to take a look at them, it's very odd.