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It's time for a new bonus art request thread as thanks to all the fine people that support at the $4 patron tier. Thank you all for your support, both the new members and all you returning readers too!  

It's another themed month this time around! If you don't want to take part in the theme, see below for the normal rules, but you may be getting a smaller picture in return.

This month's theme is: Bodysuits

As the winner of the best things ever poll, it's all about prototype/super science bodysuits this month!

Post your prompt in the comments!


It's time for a new bonus art request thread as thanks to all the fine people that support at the $4 patron tier. Thank you all for your support, both the new members and all you returning readers too! 

Leave a request for a picture for the weekly bonus arts in the comments! 

Do you have a specific Mercs What If you want to see? Do you want to see Sloth in a cute hat? Do you just want to see some fan art? Well leave a comment and let me know!

I'll pick a few suggestions and give these thread requests priority for what I work on!

The standard rules of acceptability apply. Nothing beyond my acceptable bounds of weirdness or meanness.


Firestorm blade

Amber tests out a new bodysuit meant to help focus her fire power.... only problem is, Lust designed it, and didn’t understand what amber meant by ‘hot Bod’


Since I made a blunder and commented about Hierophant in the post below the cursynaries, lets have Heiro test a bodysuit that he was told wold make him a better ninja, but was intended for "female" ninjas :^)


Original Lust has a cunning plan to appear in comics again. She has put Mercy in a Lust bodysuit. While Lust is monologing her plan Mercy is behind her telling her that her comic ended a month ago

Ross Phillips

I'd like to request a sci-fi bodysuit/armor. I'm imagining a scientist defending the curvy design to an unlucky test pilot. The big, curvy thighs and butt are fuel tanks for the rocket boots. The large shoulder pads have rockets for flight stability. The large bust like section contains the computer equipment and the long pony-tail is actually a complex antenna.


OK, so the scene goes as follows: Melkorios, Emily, coredumperor, and Kachopper's characters are all in mind-controlling princess bodysuits. They are forcing Pip into another princess bodysuit, while droning on about their master. Like zombies who turn you into a princess, rather than eating your brains. I've discussed this with those other three patrons, and they all agreed to go with it.


Would the princess gang be interested in a process shot that has one person per picture or were you more looking for a group picture all together? Like I was thinking of them moving Pip through the process adding one element per person, but that separates all of you so I wanted to make sure that was okay.


So we'd prefer the process sequence. Something like this: 1. Pip is placed in the suit. 2. The mind control kicks in. 3. Putting the dress on. 4. Glory shot as the final princess gives Pip her orders. At each step, a different princess is "helping" Pip along in the process. In no particular order: Emily, Veronica, Melkorios, and Kath (Kachopper's second princess OC: https://imgur.com/a/hBm3a6f).


Maybe Pip and a friend help test out some prototype suits for 1 Person Parade Balloon operators. Too bad for them they get stuck with some princess ones and become parade sized princess balloon mascots for the parade.


I hope I'm not too late to make a suggestion. I was thinking of some kind of prototype suit that adapts to just about any situation; like keeps the user cool in a tropical area, or even change its appearance to blend in, but being a proto type it obviously has a glitch or two some where.


Jakal and Pip try out some LustCorp bodysuits! Adaptive to make you more Lust-Worthy depending on who you’re around— though being around Envy or Lust can result in some... extreme features—but at least they know it works!


Might be a bit late to add to the idea but could the bodysuits skin colour match Lusts so we can see where the bodysuit ends and Mercys head starts