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**Today is the last day for entries. Make sure you leave a comment soon and we'll post the poll tomorrow!**

We're going to do story voting for the next Mercs story a little differently. The story is going to contain a few tales around a framing device, so you get to decide the theme of each of the three tales.

Submit a Mercs case in the comments and then we'll have a poll on Sunday to vote for the winner. We'll do multiple rounds and the story will be posted in parts, so don't fret if your first idea isn't selected!

Your submission needs to cover who the main character of your tale is and any specific details you have for them, what happened to them, any setup for that instance, and what they got morphed into. Standard Mercs case stuff! Please don't write paragraphs of setup! A few sentences will do just fine.


The main character has to be a human adult. 

The story takes place in a normal modern Earth setting. Fantastical things can happen to that character though. So, magical elf on the way to fight some orcs is off-limits. Human that gets abducted by magical elves to participate in an elvish beauty contest is acceptable.

Normal rules about using copyrighted characters or going beyond my bounds of acceptability apply.


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