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Title: Transported

Media: Comic

Main Characters: Rico

Chapter 3: Employment

Page 119

Rico is dressed in a fancy evening gown, hobnobbing with a group of scientists and business aliens. Around them are signs for a grand opening and there's an enormous ribbon over an elaborate metal door.

As Rico mingles from group to group, clinking glasses, waving coyly at compliments, we pick up bits of conversations revealing that this is the grand opening for a new lab that's some kind of joint venture with other labs and businesses across the Standard. Everybody is amazed at the kind of funding it has received, most thought only the Standard itself would be capable of such a feat.

Rico wanders the dim hallways to grab a breather from the event. He struggles to smile as he passes wall after wall of photo shoots of his sexy science ads in the lobby.

At the far end of the lobby, Rico can't help but overhear the conversations at the entrance of the hallway. His smile twitches and cracks as a group of scientists look in awe at his ads and blithely go on about how this fine young human's sex appeal will forever be associated with "knowledge" across the Universe. Creatures everywhere will associate learning with this woman's curves.


Author's Notes:

Stay in school, kids! I mean, doubley so if your science teacher is a pan-galactic super model. That can't hurt attendance numbers.



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