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It's time for a new bonus art request thread as thanks to all the fine people that support at the $4 patron tier. Thank you all for your support, both the new members and all you returning readers too! 

Leave a request for a picture for the weekly bonus arts in the comments! 

Do you have a specific Mercs What If you want to see? Do you want to see Sloth in a cute hat? Do you just want to see some fan art? Well leave a comment and let me know!

I'll pick a few suggestions and give these thread requests priority for what I work on!

The standard rules of acceptability apply. Nothing beyond my acceptable bounds of weirdness or meanness.



Do you think we could see Lust and Rhett's hypothetical daughter? Possibly at various stages of her life?


What if Sam helped the detective from private eyeful.


Hmmm, what to request... My muse is not being very forthcoming this month. How about this? I'd like you to draw something you'd think I would like, based on the previous requests I've made. How's that sound?


I really liked that mer theme Ross requested last time, so how about it spreading over to the land of Sins?

Ross Phillips

Ok, so more puns. Mer-sin-eries! So instead of the divine, they work for the Infernal, corrupting souls instead of cleansing them.