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Title: Transported

Media: Comic

Main Characters: Rico

Chapter 3: Employment

Page 115

The camera pans by a series of advertisements displayed on a wall. In them, Rico is posed provocatively with models of planets or stars, is spread out on a beach of neon teal sand looking out at a spiral galaxy, or curled up in the arms of an alien clinking glasses together as they laugh out over a shining city.

We follow over to Rico, dressed in a tight, white mini-dress, hair up in a ponytail, posing and waving to passing crowds at some kind of convention center. He seems to be drawing quite a lot of attention, even if everybody doesn't stop at his booth to read what it's actually about. A group of aliens and robots busily man the booth and tend to the people Rico draws in.

Through the signs and overhearing snippets of conversations and sales pitches, we find out that the booth is for a science campaign promoting research, discovery, and to study a lost planet called "Earth".

Rico continues to vamp it up for passing scientists, business people, and anybody that looks like they have money or resources to not-so-subtly convince them to invest in the exploration research, using all of the skills and showmanship he picked up in the diner, clubs, and circus.

Author's Notes:

Does this count as selling out? He's shilling for his own cause but Rico is still work at a trade show. Either way, Rico is pretty great at coming up with slogans.



Ross Phillips

Err, just a small thing, but Rico's hands appear to be backwards and now I can't un-see it


Wow, brilliant! Rico's managed to find a job where she "gets" to dress up sexy that ALSO helps her own cause.