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Title: Transported

Media: Comic

Main Characters: Rico

Chapter 3: Employment

Page 59

Some time has gone by and Rico fits in at the diner and has learned his way around the city to some degree. He no longer has to repeatedly ask for directions, understands the basic customs, and the diner regulars now know him as more than a novelty.

Seeing as how Rico now fits in, his boss approaches him before the shift starts. "Rico, honey, I think we're ready to move you up front. You'll be a bigger help out there and it will be good for you and the diner. What do you say?"

Happy to be seen as useful, Rico enthusiastically agrees. Displaying his most impressive control of his new body yet, Rico is able to reshape his cheering outfit into something more befitting a waitress. He may be confined to the costume, but he isn't as severely restricted in how he uses it these days. After finishing reshaping the outfit, Rico tosses on an apron, grabs a pad, and heads out to a table of customers that just sat down.

Rico makes small talk with the new customers, they seem impressed the diner is classy enough to have a human, and they happily order. Rico jots the order down, gives a friendly wave as he sets off, and stares at the notepad. "I have no idea what any of the meals they ordered are..."

Author's Notes:

Nothing says a classy joint like having your own human minion. And free refills on the fries. Then you're just mega classy.




Free refills on fries *is* classy! Also, Rico makes a super cute waitress. :)