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Title: Transported

Media: Comic

Main Characters: Rico, Blue

Chapter 2: A New Life

Page 46

Blue is looking down at Rico as she explains things to him. "Humans aren't useful enough for manual labor, clerical stuff, or any of that kind of work. There are other species that are stronger, 

bigger, or faster. You couldn't compete. Humans are... like play things. You're status symbols!"

Rico has pulled himself together enough to at least rise to his knees. He looks like he's begging to Blue. "I'm not a toy.". Blue shakes her head a little. "Yeah, you are. That's what humans are for."

Blue continues, softening her tone a little after seeing Rico's pathetic reaction. "Humans are generic enough that you're desired by all advanced species on all worlds. You're the perfect 'middle-of-the-road' but unique because of it."

"Humans are plain and boring. You have no special traits. No advanced strength or speed, no advantageous bodily adaptations, not big enough to do big work but not small enough to do small work.  But that's why you're compatible with just about everybody. And I don't see what's so bad about being an escort..."


Author's Notes:

It always bugs me in sci-fi and fantasy stories that humans are treated like they're special. Or when humans get introduced to the galactic civilizations, humans somehow always rise to the top, are instantly up there among the best of the best, or figure things out that these advanced species have been facing for hundreds or thousands of years. So I wanted to do a bit of a riff on that. Humans are special, but only because they're so not special. We're ages behind in space tech, know nothing beyond our little corner of the cosmos, and when faced with other creatures capable of higher thinking, nothing about us stands out. Humans are a novelty. Like you'd get a condescending "Good for you" if you talked to another alien. "Oh, so you're that weak and dumb and you managed to make it out into space with the rest of us? Well that's super. Good for you!". Humans wouldn't be in charge of a Federation, unless that institution is actually a sham designed to trick humans into thinking they're special and in charge of important things while the real work gets done in the Citadel that humans don't know about. Alien contact would be putting humans at the kiddy table and then desperately working to ensure that we never find out there's actually an adult table.



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