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Hi folks, quick update. I went through the un-tagged posts on the site and added the "Mercynaries" and "Comics Only" tags to the appropriate comic updates. Because I love you.

Now, all the Mercs pages should be tagged and show up if you search using those tags. I also managed to add tags to a few of the Mercs What Ifs and stories, so if you search using the Mercynaries tag, those posts will display as well.

Patreon didn't have the tags during the first few years, so outside of the Mercynaries comics, early posts probably aren't tagged, so filtering by Month/Year is still the way to go.

Here's a refresher on the tags I've been using:

Mercynaries- This will return all the Mercynaries comics and stories and most of the Mercs-themed bonus art.

Transported- This will return all of the Transported comics and bonus art.

Sins- This will return all of the Sins comics and bonus art. 

Comics Only- This will return all of the Mercynaries and Transported comics but not bonus art or stories.

Commission- Bonus art that we've commissioned from other artists and some commissions I've done for other people.

Story- All of the Mercs illustrated stories.

Review- The game/movie reviews, A Guy With Standards, and DEMONstration videos.

Fan Art- Kick butt arts that you fine people have sent to me!

Games- Games that I made


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